Coil-Heads, also known as Spring Men and Mannequins, are tall, humanoid entities in Lethal Company. They are androgynous, eyeless mannequins with agape mouths, no lower arms and a flexible spring for a neck. Their bodies are punctured with nails, around which are a reddish substance.
The Coil-Head is inside the apparatus room.
If you use it, you're garbage.
I have enough money on the game but I don't buy a ragerunner coil because I don't believe in pay to win stuff and because I am confident I can win without
People who use ragerunner coil are spineless
Coil's Law states that within the bound of an internet argument, any individual who insults the intelligence of another is more likely than not to commit a spelling or grammatical error in doing so.
Eg. "Wow your so dumb"
"What a dum coment"
"your dumb"
"classic coil's law"
The first shit taken after eating ethnic food
Man, my guts hurt. I was sweating and cursing profusely while hot coiling the bowl