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Average titty committee

A committee full of girls who aren’t big boobie Betty but they also not flat Francesca JADA!

Girl 1- I’m apart of the average titty committee!

Girl 2- What’s that?
Girl 1- Look it up

by Anna Lluve November 12, 2019

Proof committee

absolutely fake news.

Person: have you heard of the proof committee?
Person: yeah dude, it’s totally fake

by Therealcommittee January 14, 2019


Bringing great attention to, and making big fanfare about something that in reality has little or no possibility of sucess, or has far less significant outcome than originally expressed. Originates from the establishment of a Committee established to purportedly reduce the debt of the federal government in 2011. Unfortunately the committee and the establishment of this committee was all a ruse, and failed to produce any significant debt reduction, but more legislative back-biting in congress. Alt. - See Smoke and Mirrors.

You want a new car? Let me establish a super-committee and we'll get right on that one.

by halejr November 21, 2011

Titty Committee

usually a group consisting of 3 girls; whom all share similar interests of hobbies.

person: hey aren't marie, ellie, and burgerworm all in a titty committee?
person 2: yeah

by pitchmaster September 26, 2022

Itty bitty willy committee

Males who have small dicks

"Belle you know Alex is apart of the itty bitty willy committee?"

by Rts2369 March 7, 2019

Itty bitty willy committee

Just like the itty bitty titty committee, but for guys with small dicks

"Belle did you know Alex is apart of the itty bitty willy committee?"
"Omg really?? His dick is that small??"

by Rts2369 March 7, 2019


The tendency for the total number of meetings and committees in a business to increase over time without adequate means for removal.

"If they don't stop forming new meetings we'll all be buried from this committee-creep"

by starvingRD January 1, 2015