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Douche Coupe

A Mini Cooper. Given that these cars are almost exclusively purchased by hipster douchebags, you will almost always see them being driven in an inconsiderate and often deliberately-illegal fashion.

Oh look, it's a Little Douche Coupe!

by NonPC Fox September 4, 2016

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

prom coup

The action of forcibly removing the prom king and queen from their position of power and replacing them with a pair of unattractive and unpopular students just to fuck with the high school clique system.

Prom Attendee: "Yo dude, you should've gone to the prom last night".

Unattractive and Unpopular Guy: "Nah, I'm too unattractive and unpopular. I would've been laughed out of there."

Prom Attendee: "No you wouldn't, you might've been crowned prom king!"

Unattractive and Unpopular Guy: (Sarcastically) "Real funny man."

Prom Attendee: "No seriously, we staged a prom coup! The new prom king and queen ended up being Chubby Charlie and Pizza-face Patricia."

Unattractive and Unpopular Guy: "DAMN IT!"

by Bulletproof10 February 29, 2012

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Space Coupe

A tesla brand car. Referring to when tesla launched a car into space.

Elon skrted up in his space coupe

by Biblicalman May 31, 2018

23πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž

G35 Coupe

The definition of a car only a rich bitch would drive. They're all over high schools driven around with no respect for the rules of the road.

G35 Coupe = Bitch Coupe

by 90rock August 9, 2008

15πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž

Coup d'Γ©tat

Physically picking a French person and smacking an important person to take over their business.

We wanted to take over AMC, therefore we marched to the CEO's office and hit him hard. After that, a french person walked by and we totally Coup d'Γ©tated the CEO with him.

by Giadeli December 9, 2010

5πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

coup de la

Close; tight; can keep a secret without talking, especially to the other guy's lady.

Man, I thought we were coup de la? Why'd you go and tell her that?

by Larry David, Curb Your Enthusiasm October 16, 2003

309πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Coup de foudre

literally: "Stroke of lightning" or "Strike of thunder".

From the french, pronounced: "koo de foodre".

(idiomatic) A sudden overwhelming feeling of love for somebody. Used in the context of love at first sight

- When I met Jess, it was the Coup de foudre!

- I had a Coup de foudre when I saw you

by stroke of lightning August 21, 2009

514πŸ‘ 111πŸ‘Ž