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Nice, clean, fresh. Anything relating to something good.

*A scores a goal in soccer*
B: "Crispy shot, breh!"

by Sw0ge June 6, 2014

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potato crisps or chips.

Here are some crispies for your to munch.

by uttam maharjan August 5, 2010

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bencarothers, gingers, good-looking, hott

"ur so crispy"

by socrispy1 December 9, 2008

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An adjective slightly less valuable then crackling, but still valid.

Mr.Toe: Fishh, this whiteboard marker is truly crispy
Fish: Indeed it truly is, you would know, my Toe Man ;0
Mr.Toe: (Nestles his many toes into the sand) Do you recall the war of 3057?
Fish: Yes indeed, my good sir, you truly fought valiantly.
Mr.Toe: YessSs ( flicks tongue)
Fish: (suducively bites lip) your toes are looking positively radiant tonight, my Toe Man.
Mr. Toe: (Withdrawing his toes from the sand and gently caressing them) why thank you, I cleansed them last night.

by Dr.Todd February 3, 2022

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Sounds like what you describe someone who is acting a little shady/ salty but not really. As if they are beginning to get a little shady.

'every since she broke up with him, she's been a little crispy on Instagram and posting weird crap'

by Someone #2 December 24, 2016

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N.)A more sassy or sarcastic version of salty.

V.) To be sarcastic and angry at the same time; usually ends with tea being spilled, or truth coming out.

Sally was super crispy last night, and ended up telling Carly she slept with her boyfriend.

by Ebhan September 5, 2016

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Something very unexpected that happens, or something very weird. Primarily while high on marijuana.

That was so crispy when we saw those police when I wanted to light the bowl.

by Kraig Krakerz October 2, 2008

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