Source Code

Dag mode

Is a mindframe obtained by being drunk or having a lack of slee where you act like a likable idiot by being a bozo. It also consists of the person engaging in dag mode to act like they are mad at everything, spit when they talk, and cuss a lot. Also when engaging in dag mode, both males and females are referred to as "guy"

Icebreaker line to a girl in the bar: Goddamn girl what the fuck is good with you?

Icebreaker line to a girl in the bar: Sup guy?

Last night, he put the CEO in a headlock, made fun of his bosses shoes, and was crowhopping dollar bills at strippers. He was in dag mode.

by Iambetman January 24, 2013

Dag P

Used in a sentence when talking about the COVID 19 crisis. Short for โ€œDuring a global pandemicโ€

You guys are going out to eat in a sit down restaurant DAG P?

by iMortalMisfit March 13, 2021

Bouche Dag

A person of significantly low mental status, originating from douche bag. The letters are switched to signify that the person being insulted is even more retarded than a douche bag.

That guy is even more stupid than a douche bag, he's a bouche dag.

by Frederick Chompkins June 5, 2007

51๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

dag nabbit

sometimes used instead of dammit, also a thing to say when frustrated or mad.

"Dag nabbit, I dropped my pencil!"

by riane March 2, 2007

183๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

dag yo

What you must say if you are punted

"Dag yo"

by Kenthar August 10, 2003

362๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž

dag nam it

It's a nice way to say 'God Damn it' in the style of a grizzled 19th Century gold prospector.

Iโ€™yup, it is a lonely life up in these tharr hills. A man can get the itch to poke jussโ€™ abouโ€™ anything he mayhap across. Sometimes ye jusโ€™ get so lonesome ye feel like strippinโ€™ neckkid and runnin off with some coyots, dag nam it!

by DaveD April 7, 2005

82๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dag nammit

When one gets upset at something or someone than decides not to take "the man upstairs" name in vain therefore blurting out "Dag nammit". Also used by midwest rednecks.

Dag nammit Girtrude you done did it again and broke my dang ol' rifle, now how I'm going to catch me some possum?

by Doogie Howser M.D. February 20, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž