The acute ability to ignore all sound whilst in the creative flow zone.
I was so focused I went completely zone-deaf to the sweet young couple's conversation going on right nxt to me.
Deaf Dumb means to have absolutely no sense of direction. To the point that the nonsense that being examed is almost deafening, it's just like wha--, what he just say, what she just do?
Eg. Sarah's presentation was deaf dumb
When a guy ejaculates in both your ears so that you can't hear a thing
Channing Tatecum : My name is deaf Jeff...
You: Whaaaaaat? I can't hear anything.
-To be recommended to listen to a certain music really loud.
Joe: ay you heard that new mixtape purple codeine 26?
Oscar: naww is it off the bricks?
Joe: should Deaf Listen to that trap music a-sap.
when person 1 in one room (e.g living room) tries to talk to person 2 in another room (kitchen) but person 2 cannot hear a word person 1 is saying because both rooms are a considerable distance apart.
"my friend always calls out to me when i am in the kitchen and he is in the living room. i can never seem to hear what he is saying in this situation. a sign of kitchen deafness"
a worker who is so busy that he/she does not hear his/her surroundings
Person A:I can't get Dan's attention.
Person B:That's because he's deaf and diligent.
Someone who doesn't understands any computer terms when used in a sentence or heard.
John is computer deaf he never understand anything I try to explain about his computer.