a best friend who is the perfect amount of crazy to balance your crazy . the bestest best friend u could ask for. and the one person who will always be ur best friend no matter who comes and goes , and what all happens in your life.
fuck yo best friend, she ain`t my deet hoe! when u get yo as a deet then we can talk but for now shut the hell up ninjago.
different word for:
-Are you concious?
-do you know what is happening?
-are you dumb?
-are you doing ok?
Are you deet?
Yes, deet.
I'm not really deet.
A word/sound used to describe an incredibly strong feeling of love and affection that surpasses regular love
Bf: I love you so much baby
US details of something
UK stolen credit card details OR buying something by credit card fraud
US tell me the deets
UK HMU g just finessed the deets off that likkle white yute down the road come let’s bop tru Nando’s // how did you get those Giuseppe Zanotti’s and Maison Margiela’s but you WhatsApp call the gyaldem? You must have deetsed them still.
Noun. A person with abnormally disgusting feet
Deetiest, the person with the most disgusting feet
'My sister, Summer, is a deet, she has dusty feet.
"Deets", Verb. The act of obtaining something illegally using someone elses details. If you "Deets" something it means you got it illegally through using someones details.
I deetsed these true religion jeans
the action of through poop at someone form far away.
"Yo bro I just deeted someone across the face"