Australian slang for a sketchy Roadworthy Certificate.
"Yeah I got my mate Brian to write me a Bodgy Dodgy on the ol' Falcon so I could sell her"
A sexual fetish enjoyed by rock stars, whereby the climb into a refrigerator and close the door, inadvertently getting locked in and suffocating to death.
Did you hear about Sam? He did a Dodgy Rockstar and killed himself.
Stains believed to be self generated, possibly/probably of body fluid origin.
As in:-
He had some "dodgy stains" on his tighty whities
An additional level of risk to a 'Danger Wank'.
You do the same as a danger wank but have to watch some weird fucked up porn, so if they do catch you it's way worse.
"Dude I'm grounded for 6 months and have to go to therapy because I failed doing a dodgy wank"