A way to say that you or someone else has a large penis
Person A: Hey dude have you heard that Person C has a Magnum Donger?
Person B: Yeah
Person C (under their breath): Fucking weirdos
n. Status given to the most extreme surf fishing tournament competitor. Term can also be used for other extreme sport competitors.
2. Status given to extreme sport competitor after winning a large scale tournament.
3. Name associated to the ego centricities of a hard core, competitive surf fisherman.
That jerk just won the SurfGoat GOFIGHT tournament . He is The Donger.
A word for a hateful video game character-Heimerdinger. Its used for insulting someone when you do something better that them
Dude 1 - I got 3 from maths test.
Dude 2 - I got 5... you doot-didly-donger-cuckarino HA HA
Dude 1 - I hate you...
when you fuggin and the ding does the donger and wink wonker all of the snogger of floggers and ploggers about converse
whats up my fuggin ding donger