"Gee Bill, how come your mom lets you eat two deputies??"
"Purplen Durr."
"Purple n' durr??"
"purpl-end-er, perplen-dhurgh. prplndr."
" Isn't tehd ridden cotecettically, Sir Pigglin Wigglin: Welcome to my ass."
Hurr-Durr is a computer virus made in 9/17/2009, where a dog spinning dog was seen.
Aw, shoot! I got the Hurr-Durr virus!
Indication of being retarded or showing early symptoms of autism
Ibby: “Ayman, go in, go in! Im with you!
Ayman: “done done im going in”
*ibby runs away instead to protect kda*
Ayman: “ibby, you’re a fkn hurr durr”
what comes out of my classmates mouth when they say anything
Teacher: yes? what is your question?
Me: god no
Person next to me: hurr durr hurr durr duhh hurr durr