Source Code

Zipper Erection

When the zipper tab on your shirt, sweatshirt, pants, etc sticks straight out as if sexually aroused

Chris has such a huge zipper erection right now.

by HOLY CRAP I NEED A NAME September 24, 2016

Erection Thief

Someone so monstrously ugly, the sight of their face and/or body is enough to steal your erection and end your wank prematurely should the thought of them enter your mind mid-stroke. Can come in useful when trying to conceal an unwelcome erection.

- I was struggling to hide this massive bonk-on i got at work, but luckily Warty Sue walked into my office. I said Timberrrrr! in my head as i felt it go down.
- She's such an erection thief.
- Yeah. Thank god.

- The other day i was fapping away while looking through my ex's facebook pics, then she had one of her with her friend Brenda. I lost interest.
- She's such an erection thief.
- Yeah. Fat slag.

by hhumpo April 26, 2011

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Erection Detection

When you get a boner with short shorts and your dick comes peeking out the bottom and everyone around can see.

Aaron:"O shit I gotta boner with these little soccer shorts!"

Everyone around looks and can clearly see his penis.

Bystander:"Man, that guy is really struggling with erection detection..."

by the voice of the common cock January 6, 2011

20๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

male erection

An erection is a physiological phenomenon of the male genitalia of many species, in which the penis becomes firmer, engorged and enlarged. Penile erection is the result of a complex interaction of psychological, neural, vascular and endocrine factors, and is often associated with sexual arousal or sexual attraction, although erections can also be spontaneous. The shape, angle and direction of an erection varies considerably in humans.

Girl 1 : thank god we don't get male erection
Girl 2 : yup, it would have been an awkward situation for us.

by AlekhyaDas August 14, 2014

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Rex Erection

The erection of a tyrannosaurus rex.

Jimmy the tyrannosaurus rex could not masturbate because he could not reach his Rex Erection.

by DannyTheScoob July 18, 2016

facial erection

a girl blushing.

Blushing is blood rushing to the face. An erection is blood rushing to the penis. Blushing is a facial erection.

by DanRico October 6, 2013

Affection erection

Any erection not caused by sexual stimulation, but instead caused by overwhelming sense of romance, or being in love.

โ€œ Iโ€™m not even horny, I just love you so much you give me an affection erection. โ€œ

by Snakenet Janhole March 7, 2019

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