1) Any device used in an induced abortion. Examples of these devices are cannulas, forceps, curettes, and spinal needles.
2) Self-explanatory
Surgeon: Hello Ms. Cater, are you ready for your abortion?
Ms. Carter: I think so.
Surgeon: Ok, let me go get my gore gadgets.
Ms. Carter: Um, what?
Surgeon: Muahahahahahahaha! Nothing.
Ms. Cater: ok I'm scared now.
That one guy got fucked by that speeding bus yesterday. Never knew buses were such gore gadgets!
Everything the owner of a shiny gadget needs to keep his precious spot- and scratchless. From grainy screen protectors to huge rubber cases, if it's on your device and not decoration, it's gadget wrap. Applicable to smartphones, tablets, smartwatches and any other piece of surprisingly fragile modern technology.
I wanted to skip the gadget wrap on my new phone, but the back is already scuffed after a week in my pocket.
Stage name of Frank Tovey in the late 70's and early 80's. One of the best men to ever exist in that time. A tall, skinny and sexy singer with an amazing deep voice and was an absolute madman of a performer onstage. Influenced bands like Depeche Mode. Sick stuff, check him out.
Person 1: Hey did you see that Fad Gadget concert?
Person 2: Hell yeah I did, he threw his pubes and armpit hair at the audience then covered himself in shaving cream.
Person 1: Woahh.
1. A person of the geek, nerd, or just avid tech/gadget-y variety consumers who have a strong and unusual wantof technology.
2. Someone who has a tech/gadget fetish to the point they are up on when the next-gen models and brand new models of tech are coming out and urgently wait, often having a count down clock.
person 1: god...Jonas is pissing me off, every-time I come over he reminds me "IT'S JUST A FEW MORE WEEKS UNTIL THE NEW iPHONE COMES OUT".
person 2: don't mind him... he's a real gadget-gollum.
person 1: my friend Brittany seriously wants a iPhone, she's practically lusting after it....
person 2: awww....the poor gadget-gollum.
a gadget is another word for a slag. because gadgets get used for pointless stuff and then thrown away which is what a slag is.
"Gadget" was the name given to the plutonium implosion device detonated in the Trinity Test in July 1945, at Los Alamos, New Mexico. The term "gadget" was a laboratory euphemism for a bomb.
Manhattan Project scientists had to overcome difficult scientific and engineering challenges to design and build the Gadget.
It is a term created by residence of south Minneapolis that subscribe to the movement muddy to mean a firearm
Person 1 “yo you got that lil gadget”
Person 2 “you know me gang”