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Bouncing goldfish

When someone clearly high on drugs is trying to convince you they are clean and sober.

Ty: Seriously, i just had one beer.

Alex: Stop bouncing goldfish you muppet, you schnarfed a line off my tit half an hour ago.

George Bush never inhaled? bet he never bounced a goldfish either!

told me he needs cash to fix his car.... Goldfish bouncing motherfucker doesn't even have a car!

by nameismatt July 20, 2015

Goldfish Moment

A moment when you're doing something/carrying something/placing something somewhere and forget about it three seconds later.

In the process of going to the store I decided to drunkenly put my vape in my shoes that I was thinking of at the moment of wearing. I went upstairs to change from pajamas into clothes and came back downstairs and lost my. Did I put on those shoes no I did not. I woke up the next day and realized I had a goldfish moment.

by Cloud7a July 4, 2021

Goldfish container

The bag/container that is almost impossible to open because when you open it, not all of the cardboard rips which causes there to be a thin layer of cardboard covering the hole. You will have to stab the cardboard layer and rip it open to be able to eat your delicious goldfish. After opening it, the goldfish still smile at you even though you are mad.

*Attempts to open the goldfish container like a milk carton*
Aw crap, the container did it again!
*Pulls out a giant knife from the knife holder and stabs the container 10 times*
Ugh, I hate these stupid containers!

by BigBoi Gaming January 28, 2020

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Poser Goldfish

Someone who is trying to act like a goldfish, but isn't. Also, a person who nobody loves and they weren't hugged much as a kid.

Person 1: My mommy told me I am a little crumb snatcher.

by you like to know, WOULDNT YOU? March 22, 2007

20πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Goldfish Syndrome

being bored very easily as well as being easily amused; anything will catch your attention, so you loose your train of thought, that and you have the attention span of a goldfish

classic Goldfish Syndrome:
hi i'm sam. do you like my bowl? oh look sea puff!
hi i'm sam do you like my bowl? oh look a sea puff!

hey, do you like - oooooo shiny!

by frequentGFS October 12, 2009

28πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

two goldfish

sarcastic way of saying you don't care when people are talking about things no one cares about.

I bought some new shoes today." "I have two goldfish." "What?" "Oh I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about stuff no one cares about.

by davgoldfish August 10, 2011

13πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


goldfish-ism is a temporary disease that effects your memory in the short term, in short

It’s a condition of memory loss but not really that serious

β€œDid you do your homework? β€œ
β€œNo I’m sorry I forgot, I have goldfish-ism”

by Teddybear7024 February 18, 2020

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