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good charlotte

I am so sick of people whining that i though i had to put this. Good charlotte is a band, yes we all know that. Some people dont like them, some do. I do, alot. But i am so sick of people putting on here that they are "whiners, and posers, and arent actually music, wa wa wa" whatever. and then they list bands that are what they call "good music". music is freakin music no matter who sings it. you dont need to catergorize them into punk, emo, or whatever, and then call them posers. everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but good charlotte has come a long way to get to where they are now, and for you to bash them like that is awful. they are people too. would you like it if you knew 100's of people were calling you crap and posers and whatever else you can think of? no, you wouldnt. so give it a rest. they're a band, they play music. if you dont like them, ok, but dont waste your precious time talking crap about them. maybe go find something else that your actually interested in.

Good Charlotte is a band.

by .meg... September 16, 2006

103๐Ÿ‘ 107๐Ÿ‘Ž

Good Charlotte

Good Charlotte. Evil band. Whiney "punk" band...well they call themselves punk. Band consists of Joel,Benji,Chris,and Billy...their songs are made up of simple music and even more simple lyrics. Usually listened to by nonconformist conformists who shop at Hot-Topic but still bitch about large corporations ruining their perfect anarchist life.

Shit...pure and total shit...listen to the Sex Pistols or The Clash instead.

by Sgt. Pepper August 6, 2005

115๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž

good charlotte

Notice how everyone on this who has said they like good charlotte all said it was because they were "hot".......well there you go everybody........there's proof that good charlotte is only well known because of there image, not unlike n'sync, backstreet boys, and all of that pop bullshit.......they have zero talent and people(10-year old girls) like them because they think they are "rebelling" against all that pop stuff, when in reality that's exactly what they are doing. If you like music with no talent with some bullshit hook and lyrics that have absolutley no meaning at all, then go grab a good charlotte record........and while you're at it why don't you go pick up about 100 black plastic bracelets, some eyeliner and go write in your journal about how you hate all these "n'sync girls" and say to yourself how you would never buy into that and how you would never go mainstream......it's so pathetic.............and pretty much everyone who listens to them always talks about how much they hate president bush, just because that's what greenday and yellowcard and all those other shit bands say.......now i'm not saying that i agree with bush and his actions.....don't get me wrong, but these whiny little pre-teens don't know anything about it, they just talk about it because it's "the cool thing to do"......i hate this pop bullshit................my advice: listen to some good music, for example deftones, sevendust, nonpoint

(girl in 1998): I love n'sync!!!
(same girl in 2005): I love good charlotte!!!!...........wait, what's this!!!.......oh my god......they're the same people!!!!

by Dusty Jenkins August 6, 2005

106๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž

Good Charlotte

A band that became popular through MTV connections and/or their appearance.

Kid#1: I love Good Charlotte they're so punk they're so much cooler than all those other pop bands.
Kid#2: Where did you hear them first?
Kid#1: TRL, oh, and in Hot Topic.

by Katherine is not hardcore, emo, punk, gothic, or indie... Katherine is Katherine. August 24, 2005

95๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž

good charlotte

1. A melodramatic group of legal "adults" (The term "adults" is applied loosely) with a pedophile for a lead whiner who, three gold albums and a couple million dollars later, are still trying to pass their lives off as harsh and uncaring. Utilizing events that supposedly happened ten years ago (in the upper middle class suburbs while being popular football and baseball jocks and being elected prom king) that "real" people, as they want to pass themselves off as "real", would have gotten over by now. "Composing" (Another term applied loosely) "songs" (The last loosely applied term) about relationships with the opposite sex that never happened, but it's always fun to bitch about how you don't get women when fourteen year old cheerleaders wet themselves everytime they type "o,MaH,gAwD,i,WuD,hAv,JoElZ,bAbI,gUd,ShArLoTe,RoX,pUnXz,WtFoMGlOlRoFlMaO1!1!" in their myspace and, sadly enough, would given the opportunity.

2. A group that uses their Dad as an excuse for making shitty music.

1. "I was never popular,
Unless you count being on the baseball team,
and being elected prom king,
Live sucked,
unless you count the fact that I lived in a well-to-do suburb,
Girls have cooties,
except the ones that laid me the other night,
it turns out that they just have VD."

2. The reason we suck so bad is because our dad left us to fend for ourselves, two years before we graduated.

by FTHECC August 23, 2005

107๐Ÿ‘ 115๐Ÿ‘Ž

Good Charlotte

A good band that is not neccessarily meant only for 13 year olds. It is good and despite trevor lancasters opinion other peoples taste isnt always bad.

Trevor lancaster: Good Charlotte r 4 14 yaer olds.

Erik: I, long with others, believe that they are a unique band that is not only for younger audience.

by Lol Trevor is silly February 27, 2011

14๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Good Charlotte

A very talented band, no matter what anoyone says. My friend saw them live, and she said they sounded awesome. For those wierd people who say that only preppy jurks who think theyre punk listen to this music, think again. Alot of people who listen to it think its good music! It is good music. Joel does NOT think hes black, duh thats stupid! They are talented guys who got famous. Everyone who think bad of them obviously wish they were famous for having a mind of theyre own too! Joel and Benji were very poor and had a mind, and put together a band with their friends, and happened to be good enough to get a record deal. Its a mirical for them, really.

Normal person: Hey that Good Charlotte CD is really good! You want me to burn it for you?

Another normal person: sure! I was gonna buy it but since you can give it to me free, heck yes!

by PunkrockerKristian August 31, 2005

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