Sometimes used in the term "Baby Gorl" is referring too your significant other OTHER one
"HeY BaBy GoRl HoWs It HaNgIn??????"
A much more fun and cooler way of saying "girl". Used as "girl" for emphasis.
GORL! You have to hear what she just said!
Gorl, honey, no no no.
A derogatory term used to describe a young lady who is missing a certain factor or essence.
Can be used to describe stupidity or lack of effort.
That 19year old gorl thinks a ruler starts at one, not zero.
That gorl is morbidly obese.
That gorl over there is trying to pick up a wild opossum.
People sound Russian when they say this
Oh look at those sexy gorls over there,those are some big boobany gorls
A crazy Twitter meme inspired by Gru from Despicable Me based on his pronunciation of the word girl, which went viral across the internet and will die in 2 weeks just like other viral memes
Mean gorls, spice gorls, one less lonely gorl, etc