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Sometimes used in the term "Baby Gorl" is referring too your significant other OTHER one

"HeY BaBy GoRl HoWs It HaNgIn??????"

by Masagyro Sukurmum September 19, 2018


A much more fun and cooler way of saying "girl". Used as "girl" for emphasis.

GORL! You have to hear what she just said!

Gorl, honey, no no no.

by FormalChicken. March 13, 2021


What gru says

"COme, gorls"

by Zoomer123 May 26, 2020


A derogatory term used to describe a young lady who is missing a certain factor or essence.

Can be used to describe stupidity or lack of effort.

That 19year old gorl thinks a ruler starts at one, not zero.

That gorl is morbidly obese.
That gorl over there is trying to pick up a wild opossum.

by LukeTrains March 25, 2021


People sound Russian when they say this

Oh look at those sexy gorls over there,those are some big boobany gorls

by Bigboobanybyrne May 25, 2018


A crazy Twitter meme inspired by Gru from Despicable Me based on his pronunciation of the word girl, which went viral across the internet and will die in 2 weeks just like other viral memes

Mean gorls, spice gorls, one less lonely gorl, etc

by Sassy stalker May 4, 2018

Baeeee gorl

Holy fuck man

maddie piped the shit outta baeeee gorl

by Lilratty September 11, 2020