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The Grandfather Clock Jig

A Diddy, a Dance Move. Promotes Style, Character, Energy

Shut your Mouth, did Giirth just do Dat thing? Yes Siree, The Grandfather Clock Jig is his Wheelhouse Move, recognize yo!

by Bennie BoyTV June 16, 2019

Grandfather ash

A game played primarily during a smoke sesh, it becomes a contest to see who can get their cigarette or joint to be completely ash to the but if the joint and or cigarette. The remaining ash is often smell and crooked resembling go that of a grandfather.

Hey chad I challenge you to a round of grandfather ash

by Sethems? August 29, 2022

Grandfather Cuckoo

To pass the time, have your submissive partner lay on their back. Squat over their face and rhythmically swing your nut sack from side to side in front of your partners face, much like a pendulum. The pendulum motion is not the only resemblance to a clock, as you can faintly hear a ticking with each swing, or better yet, a "smacking" as your nuts strike your partners cheeks with each swing. But this is no ordinary grandfather clock, it is also a Cuckoo clock! But no bird is coming out of this "clock". Instead an 8.5" turd out of your squatting anus right onto the submissive below! Extra Points for nailing the "Cuckoo" on the hour, and without skipping a swing of that pendulum.

My boy Jesse asked how much I know about rare clocks, so I explained I had in fact the rarest of the rare. He need not do anything except lay down and let me unveil to him the Grandfather Cuckoo! He was tickled by the nuts smacking his face, however he was not amused when in an attempt to produce the most beautiful Cuckoo Turd, I exploded diarrhea all over him instead. Let this be a lesson to you, that a trip to Ryans Steakhouse for the Beefaroni is not advised prior to performing the Grandfather Cuckoo.

by SCP2023 April 26, 2023


Great-great-grandparent's father.


by Simaduria July 27, 2024


Great-great-great-grandparent's father.


by Simaduria July 27, 2024


1- Stepgrandparent's father.
2- Grandparent's stepfather.


by Simaduria July 27, 2024


1- Stepgrandparent's father.
2- Grandparent's stepfather.

My step-great-grandfather is a good person.

by QWP998756 October 15, 2021