A person or group in a discussion or a debate, repeats the same question with the sole intention of
a) rejecting or ignoring the answer
b) repeating the same question to new people they contact and ones they've already asked, knowingly intending to reject or ignore.
c) repeating a question with the intent of rejection, denial, or annoying others after the answer has been repeatedly posted before.
The have been asking for weeks "What are the charges?" and it's only groundhogging since they could find the charges on Google in a minute.
Groundhogging - verb; to groundhog
noun; groundhog
1. To spend the day on the ground at a dropzone while others are skydiving. Especially relevant in perfect weather. Usually accompanied with sitting in a hammock, fetching lunch or worrying about wind speeds, potential gusts and/or wind changes.
She was in the hammock all day just groundhogging, all while chirping those who were actually jumping"
When the tip of your shit pops out a bit and rubs into your underwear
Ty we need to get Out of here I'm groundhogging
A sick, psychological, mind-fucking game used by narissist against their partner to drive them insane. This is accomplished by daily repetition of a same exact action or behavior that causes the same adverse reaction from their partner, which causes the exact same response from the perpetratoe, causing the exact same senario, predictably causing the exact dialogue, thus the exact same conflict betweenst them, going in a neverending circle, resulting in eventual insanity.
I had to break up with him, his groundhogging was causing me to lose my mind.
1. The cycle of matching with and dating the same types of people - and constantly feeling underwhelmed.
2. Syn.: Being closed-minded/ inviting date fails.
'Singles are stuck in a ‘groundhogging’ cycle. The same type. The same results. Again and again.'
Groundhog dayting is when a person takes his significant other on the exact same date multiple times in a row i.e. pizza hut and then a movie.
Martha broke up with Timothy for Groundhog dayting. He had taken her out for pizza 6 dates in a row.
a tunnel groundhogs use to see if it's cold outside and/or see if it's still winter. it's also where british people eat stinky fish and chips before heading to the orthodontist
ex: "i cant make my hot sauce audition because i'm eating fish and chips in the groundhog tunnel"