Source Code

Hanging out of my arse

Adam Griffin from Blackpool, England is feeling like shit

I am hanging out of my arse

by RandomBrit February 17, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

We should hang out sometime.

The best pickup line EVER!

You see, what's genius about it is that in the use of the word "we" it definetely makes you sound like a couple - "hang out" makes it sound a whole lot more casual - and "sometime" makes it open and not too rushed. Also worth note is the fact that it's not a yes or no question, it's an opinion - and you can't say no to an opinion!

The pickup line was invented - or at least popularized - by Josh Sundquist, who is an awesome YouTuber. OF AWESOME.

*at le party or something*

*guy spots girl*

*guy and girl talk*

Le Guy: We should hang out sometime.

by PresidentSnowFangirl December 24, 2011

155๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

hang out with your wang out

Trick out with your dick out.

Rock out with your cock out.

Roast out with your toast out.

School out with your tool out.

Greet out with your meat out.

Ring out with your thing out.

Roll out with your roll out.

This has to be filled out so here's one more:

Wad out with your rod out.

by k dawg plus July 16, 2004

641๐Ÿ‘ 191๐Ÿ‘Ž

hang out with your wang out

More similar terms:

Cool out with your tool out.

Check her out with your pecker out.

Stick out with your dick out.

Pose out with your hose out.

Wong out with your dong out.

Burst out with your wurst out.

And here's a few that are ass-related rather than penis-related:

Pass out with your ass out.

Bum out with your bum out.

And one that's vagina-related:

Jam out with your clam out.

by Mark H August 17, 2004

117๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hanging out at the fire house

playing with big trucks, putting the wet stuff on the hot stuff, usually with lots and lots of beer, you get very thirsty putting or waiting to put the wet stuff on the hot stuff

A funny thing happened the last time I was hanging out at the fire house.......

by kimmieflirts July 17, 2008

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

hang out with my wang out

similar to hanging out, but done with one's penis exposed

I can't wait to go to the beach after school. I'm gonna hang out with my wang out!

by JT Dollar Sign October 10, 2003

47๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

hang out with your wang out

Does not mean to literally go somewhere with poeple with your penis potruding out of your pants. It is just a figurative statement used by Stifler in the recent movie American Wedding (American Pie 3) which means to go somwhere with the intention of having sex with the person you're going with.

I'm gonna go hang out with my wang out with her, what do you think?

by B-Jax June 27, 2004

182๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž