A shitty-ass excuse for a music genre. Period.
Did you hear about that awesome new Hip Hop group?
Ew no, hip-hop is lame. Hard rock is way better, why don't u come with me to a Green Day concert and listen to some real music instead, buddy?
Okay! You're right, that does seem a lot better than this lame garbage.
17๐ 29๐
A music rich in bass with a lyracist rapping over the beat. Started in ghetto's where kids could just afford a record player to loop a beat and rap over. Started rap(rythmic american poetry) which is now disrespected because of its pop and MTV play.
Hip- Hop has an accidental spawn known as hi- pop which is when faggy rappers like ja- rule sell out totally. Jay- Z has done this, but used to be good.
Hip- Hop is the only remaining black/african rooted music. Lets not let white people steal this one like they did Jazz.
12๐ 23๐
A culture based upon a music that steals partial or entire songs shamelessly, and then dubs over them with some random twat self-aggrandising or pretending they are held down in some manner or other, when in fact they are rolling in money.
Its followers can be seen posturing around British and Irish town centres, usually in gangs as they are shite at one-on-one confrontation, and too cowardly to walk alone. The hip-hop aficionado can be identified by its mangled, locally-accented appropriations of what they have heard on MTV Base. They are also almost entirely white.
Some people have had the temerity to suggest hip-hop has had credibility in music. These people, from their angled caps to their MF Doom Nikes, are liars, and, like all of hip-hop, are trying to sell you a lifestyle that you don't relate to, yet vaguely want because your life sucks, or so they'd have you believe.
Even more shameful is the claim that hip-hop sprang from reggae. This is punishable by enforced self-flagellation in civilised society.
Death to hip-hop.
Rap is crap.
20๐ 41๐
Synonymous with shit.
"50 Cent is the current king of hip-hop."
"Most people in America listen to hip-hop."
58๐ 152๐
a whole new culture that was invented by the youth that had migrating from other areas. black, asian, and latin american teens had made their own culture consisting of the four elements. graffiti art, breaking, MCing and DJing.
the expression "hip hop" was like a way to describe their "hip hop" from their old culture trying to fit into a new one..
i hope this helps.
latian americans, black americans, asian americans planted the hip hop seed
10๐ 20๐
A "culture" which consists in losers who like to speak like retards about how much they rule because they're "chillin ghetto pimps".
Hip Hop Dude: "Yo, bitch ! I'm a fuckin' pimp. No style, no life* !"
*Considering the only valid "style" is theirs because they are so damn cool.
50๐ 131๐
Something poor black youth made up to try make there criminal lifestyle seem cool.
Nigga 1 "Sup dawg, lets go sling some rocks"
Nigga 2 "Then rob up the liquor store"
Nigga 3 "Then make up a hip hop about to make it seem cool"
9๐ 8๐