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IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a syndrome that causes Irratic, uncontrolable and usually Explosive Diarehhea.

Joe: Damn guy last night at the bar Ian's IBS was acting up again and he had a shit explosion on the dance floor!

Guy #1: Dag Yo!!!

by JoeyAnger69 November 13, 2007

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you think you’re getting into a good school, but in reality you’re going to a ghetto hell hole and you’re gonna have panic attacks and mental breakdowns weekly.

i swear to god, if i have to do one more IB criterion assignment i’m going to jump out a 15th story window into a bat of acid with hungry sharks swimming in it.

by stressydepressylemonzesty February 20, 2020


An educational system which dehumanises it's students. (Simplest answer)

-How is IB going?
-What's wrong with it?

by 31552421122 May 19, 2019


Ib is a simply a young girl that visits the art gallery with her parents. Ib is extremely brave, quiet, nice, kind and profined. She is also very sensitive to others. She appears to be a very blunt and sarcastic child as well.

Wow Ib you are such a lovely girl.

by the social network December 22, 2021


A program created in an attempt to control the minds of the youths(now starting in elementary school) of the future, implemented by Swiss lawn gnomes, by preventing their exposure to the outside world.

The state goals of the program are to provide students with an education rounded out accross five program areas ("groups") - including Language 1, Language 2, Social Sciences, Science, Math, and Art/Option. Additional elements of the program include CAS (a system used to force students out of the house once in a while), ToK (philosophy) and Extended Essay.

In an attempt to shove too much information down the throats of students, the program ends up significantly improving the core skill required to succeed in IB: Bullshit. The phrase I.B. therefore I B.S. comes from this.

if you dont get straight A' s on your IB end course exam your parents will beat you again

by weryvxg August 22, 2017


Short for International Baccalaureate, this program CORRUPTS schools, where they overload you with work and make you hate school even more. Instead of learning useful things, they throw that all out the window and make you learn stupid things like to “be proactive” or something.

Person: I hate my school now ever since they corrupted it with the IB program.

by Insert handle_here October 6, 2020


IB: Ok you have to take 6 subjects and also you have to write this 4000 word essay

Student: Hey that sounds reasonable *joins*

IB: You have to take 3 HLs and 3 SLs

Student: Okayyyy, why do I have to?

IB: Yep. The SLs are hard and the HLs are fucking ridiculous

Student: Bruh what have I signed up for-

IB: You have 3 "continuous assessments" every week
Student: Will I have any free time?
IB: Also there's this thing called "TOK". You have to do some exhibition explaining this elitist shit to a bunch of parents Student: Don't we have enough work already?

IB: Also you have to write a TOK Essay one just one prompt and you get one shot. If you fuck up, you lose like 1 or 2 points off a 45 point score Student: Are you fucking serious?

IB: Speaking of essays, you have to write 3 or 4 of them which we call "IAs" and each of them is gonna take you like, 30 hours

Student: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

IB: Holistic learning

Student: Yeah! College! Future!

IB: Also CAS is mandatory and we ain't gonna give you your diploma if you don't do it

Student: *mental breakdown*

Non-IB Student: Hey man! How you doing!
IB Student: I take IB
Non-IB Student: oh. sorry man

by ib person February 7, 2021