Hit the snowman to earn cash. Use that cash to buy upgrades by clicking the buttons in the upper left corner.
Unlock and defeat new enemies to earn more cash. Find the new enemies by pressing the arrows around the enemy's portrait, next to their name.
I like playing Learn to Fly Idle!
The occasionally weird movements a video game character does when they're not doing anything.
I never pay attention to my character's idle animation, but when I do, I always notice it's kinda weird.
A domain expansion that allow's the person to gamble
Hakari: "im losing this fight... TIME TO GAMBLE. domain expansion: Idle death gamble"
A domain expansion that allows someone to gamble
Hakari: "hehe funni gamble let me win. Domain expansion: idle death gamble
1. having given up on finding anything interesting on Facebook, Facebook Idling involves sitting in front of the Facebook Newsfeed, just waiting for another update that you know won't be any more interesting than the last
2. as opposed to Facebook Stalking, a much more far-reaching and comprehensive way of wasting your entire life
Person A: "You must be Facebook Stalking hard right now man; you're not even clicking the mouse!"
Person B: "Actually, I'm Facebook Idling. I need to know what all my acquaintances are doing rather than just investigating one."
Person A: "Dude, are you Facebook Stalking that girl again?"
Person B: "Nah, I've got enough info on her. Now I'm just Facebook Idling, waiting for her to post something."
Being Away From Keyboard for a long time.
The dude was idle for 2 hours.