Source Code

ICBM (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile)

A missile that is an object of indirect fire - laser-guided - and normally is carrying a big payload (lot of kaboom). Alias: Nuke.

Wow look at that ICBM (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile) coming in at us!

We should probably go now.

There's no way we're running away from that!

by someCockend March 12, 2021

iCBBh - inter-Continental Ballistic Bong-hit

An "inter-Continental Ballistic Bong-hit", or "iCBBh", is a token gesture to a fellow pot-smoker, who happens to live on another Continent.

The idea is you are both smoking (or otherwise consuming) marijuana at the same time; but because of the wonders of modern technology, you are both able to do so online, at the same time - so it's like you're having a joint together basically.

An "iCBBh" or "inter-Continental Ballistic Bong-hit", is a sign of the times and denotes understanding...


Dude, I think this calls for an iCBBh - inter-Continental Ballistic Bong-hit!??!!

by frank_bird July 4, 2009

4👍 3👎

National Make Fun of Inter Miami Day

April 19th is the day to clown the last place in the Eastern Conference and Ft Lauderdales favorite frauds Inter Miami (more like Outer Miami) and all the fans that jumped ships too

“Bro I can’t believe you left us for Inter Miami, It’s ok, you can clown me on National Make Fun of Inter Miami Day”

by Josh Simons ⚫️🔴🏆 April 11, 2022

3👍 6👎


marriage between two persons from different castes; inter-caste marriage.

Ours is not an inter-marriage.

by uttam maharjan August 20, 2010


when nothing on the internet works for you, while your friends happily surf away

your facebook page layout is messed up, links sent on your on, off, on, off msn say cannot be displayed and your passwords never save or work - INTER-JINXED.

by frizzzee March 30, 2009

Inter-mind Bamboozling

When somebody says something that you were just thinking about then you argue over who came up with it first.

Jack: Ahh She is fire mate Iam telling you. John: Yeah I was just thinking that...she ain't your type anyway.
Jack: Nah you weren't ya fucktard yer about 34 years old. John: AHHH shut ya trap cunt I said it first.
Jack: Stop Inter-mind Bamboozling...............

by CheekySoldier69 May 19, 2019

ICBM: Inter-Continental Bowel Movement

Taking a shit on an inter-Continental flight.

FYI: Use with caution, since "ICBM "is also the acronym for Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile.

Do NOT go into the restroom: that guy just dropped a nasty ICBM: Inter-Continental Bowel Movement.

by NeologianPJG January 28, 2024