Source Code

Im actually freaking out an unknown number is spamming me

i am gay

omgg Im actually freaking out an unknown number is spamming me

by bustybust August 6, 2022

into the unknown

A sex position performed 2 that entails a man diving head first, into the unknown of the girl.


by thenutter10101 February 23, 2022


They are amazing and very cool and nice but they don't think they are they think their annoying and cringe and weird and ugly but the person that's so special to them always says they are supper amazing and pretty it makes them feel better but they don't believe they are.

"Have do you know ..unknown._.weeb on tiktok? "

"Yeah their cool they love there partner a lot and their are very nice."

by ........ .......... June 1, 2021

unknown assailant

When a wife murders her husband.

Boomer: I have had serious and invasive and surgery and my husband was brutally murdered by an unknown assailant.

AFP: You had lip filler and your finger prints were on the mix master.

by Imwearingawire March 20, 2023

Unknown Announcer

Some Announcer in a video game, commercial and other,who is never known.

Unknown Announcer in a McDonald's Commercial: Here comes Ronald McDonald!
Ronald McDonald: it's a good-
Guy 1: (closes the tv) Who is that announcer?
Guy 2: i dont know, I guess he's an unknown announcer.

by Malleo Malleo September 2, 2022

The Unknown

An evil chocolate maker who lives in the walls.

Willy McDuff: "It's the Unknown!"
Children: *terrified crying*

by stacyyyOwO March 24, 2024

the unknown

the funniest thing to come out of glasgow in 2024

what is that? it’s the Unknown

by bomb0claat February 29, 2024