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Leaf Springs

The form of suspension that was developed for use on medieval carts and carriages, yet is still used (for some reason or another) on American cars despite more modern forms of suspension.

"And the rear wheels have.. leaf springs. Leaf springs. Let me make that live for you: if you went to your doctor's and he got a jar of leeches out." ~Jeremy Clarkson on the Corvette's suspension.

by HaniiPuppy October 2, 2009

maple leaf

Covering your penis with maple syrup, and then smacking your partner in the face with it while groaning like a moose and making moose antlers with your hands over your head.

I just gave that Mexican chick a kick-ass maple leaf!

by movie producer robert evans November 1, 2009

98๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

lettuce leaf

Plesantly shaped vaginal lips. Keith Burtons well proportioned.

"Come on Nik, I know it's our first night together but I really want you to take me to bed and lose me forever."

"Okay Ali, let the dog see the rabbit."

"Oh Nik, you say the sexiest things."

"Hmm. Nice lettuce leaf."


by The Strut October 25, 2004

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sweet Leaf

A term which describes marijuana. The name comes directly from the first track on Black Sabbath's 1971 album Master of Reality entitled Sweet Leaf.

In the song (which has a very catchy riff, and may be considered some early stoner metal), Ozzy Osbourne sings of the wonders found in smoking grass.

1. Bassist: "You mates want to get stoned and play some music?"
Guitarist: "Fuckin' A. Does Dolly Parton sleep on her back?"

2. Sweet Leaf by Black Sabbath basically got me into stoner music.

by Disgruntled Bassist December 27, 2010

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loose leaf

(n) An overly promiscuous individual. A more free term for skank, slut, or ho. Durived from the behavior of a piece of paper when thrown in the air, how it moved with no bounds, or control, in a promiscuous way.

(v) Engaging in promiscous or random sexual intercoarse. May or may not be with an unknown partner. Usually, but not always, in a casual sexual encounter. Possibly in-intimate.

"Susie slept with 4 different guys in one night. She is SO loose leaf."

"My boyfriend just got in from Dallas tonight, and I think I may loose leaf with him as soon as he get home."

by Astrodisiac August 13, 2006

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ryan leaf

One of, if not the, biggest bust in NFL history. Ryan Leaf's carrer seemed to be great... untill he got to the NFL. His time here was said to be "sketchy", "a waste of potential", some even said ryan leaf was "a waste of talent and a waste of skin". such crude remarks are deserved in this case however because... to put it plainly...... he sucks.

(playing catch)WHOA!!!! that was a Ryan Leaf throw.

(halftime talk) ok guys! we can't go out in the second half and Ryan Leaf it.

(after failing a test or a goal in life) wow, i really Ryan Leaf'd that exam.

by birwin July 7, 2006

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Sugar Leaf

The small close leaves next to the buds where crystals of t.h.c. form on a pot plant. Generaly seperated from water leaf to make keif or bubble hash.

At harvest seperating the water leaf from the sugar leaf produces a much better hash.

by soundrone October 10, 2006

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