Source Code

Maple Valley

A city in the Northwest in which everyone thinks would be a adequate place to live, but in reality is the worst choice. Located near Seattle, you would think it's a great tourist place, but they have nothing to show. The students are high, their grades are low, and the only time they actually care about is "t-shirt time" and 4:20.

Person #1: I'm from Maple Valley.
Person #2: Oh dude, I'm sorry.
Person #1: Yah, I get that a lot.

by tahomo 4 lyfe January 19, 2012

20๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Maple Fever

Strong sexual desire and infatuation for Canadians.

"I suppose you have a thing for Canadian girls, huh? Is that it, you got Maple Fever?"

by Maple Fever September 26, 2015

26๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Maple Leafs

Toronto-based professional hockey team that has not won the Stanley Cup since 1967, sometimes abbreviated as Leafs." Also, a profound grammatical error.

1. "Maple Leafs denied Stanley Cup because of bad luck, lack of skill."

2. "You mean Leaves, right?" "Hell, no."

by John Reid April 8, 2005

169๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž

maple syrup

The Canadian code word for methaphetamines. This is because you can use it on anything. Also note that Canadian bacon should be changed to freedom ham.

This maple syrup is great on this Canadian bacon(freedom ham)

by Milo Dangler March 26, 2005

113๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

Maple Fever

When an American citizen (usually male) has feelings for a Canadian

Hey Kevin do you have maple fever because that's just weird

by Mheff_31 September 24, 2015

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Maple Valley

The worst, most boring city on the west coast. In King County, near Seattle, WA. There is absolutely nothing to do, all the girls act like sluts, all the guys are jerks, and everyone is on drugs.

I live in Maple Valley.

by Hi Im Awesome I Like Apples February 13, 2011

77๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

maple story

Maple Story cartoony anime game made in korea basically about killing monsters.Suprisingly addicting I reccomend you might not want to play unless you can control your addiction and yeah it's over run by a bunch of ignorant kids and stupid Naruto fans.A game features a cash shop full of cloths,Double EXP cards,Super mega phones and other useless items the devilish company of Nexon want kids to buy even if they did steal they'er parents credit card or hacked they'er PayPal acount.
is basically killing monster which is a cycle,kill monster "Wooooooooooooot i got lvl up lololololz ^_____^"
however there is a thing called a Party quest also know as pq@@@@@ which is suposed help which it does up until a certain level and plus the community is the big problem other that it slows down at level 40 unless you're a hacker which can get to level 70 in a week.
Maplers attend to have various phrases towards others such as
Person whos 3 levels higher than you:omg ur a noob
Random and desprit girl/guy: WANNA BE MY GF/BF,(or looking for gf/bf@@@@@@@@@@@)
Stupid:CC Plz (it means change channel if you did not know)
Moron: hey everybody defame xxx (insert reason why)
Noob: mesos plox (even high levels does this dressed up like "noobs")
To handle the jerks on Maple Story is either don't type anything to them or tell them Naruto sucks that will make them real mad or better yet ask how did they get they'er Nexon item then tell them they stole they're mommy's credit card.
So as you can see little kids who act like they have balls play this game.

After getting beat in a card game on Maple story
Stupid:omfg u cheated,turn the cheats off,i report u
Smart person: Wow how old you and did you flunk grammer school?

by NotBroken August 29, 2007

114๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž