A homosexual man that insists he's bisexual.
Ped is a mocha Pete
Mocha starfish- a) a nutty and chocolatey frappe with extra whip and a sugar rim,
Or b) a persons feces rimmed anus which is about to be violated by Big John
That common thinks a Mocha starfish is from the coffee house, but Big John is about to show her how to rock down on her mocha starfish.
If you dont accept this word/meaning, I'll kick you in your mocha spokes!
the most precious cat to ever exist. disagreeing would cause instant gay.
Michelle G.
the sexiiest grl alive.
Perfect nothing else decribes her.
Damnnnn Mocha Chunk u lookin FINE
It’s the symphony that one’s butthole creates after having a cup of monstrous mocha.
PS: it’s not just the fart, but more than that (poop as well)
*Benito manages to occupy the toilet in the airplane and EXPLODES due to the mocha he had in morning*
On getting out everyone staring at him
Benito (wondering to himself): Did everyone hear my mocha remix?
A poor man's mocha. Black drip coffee with a packet of instant cocoa poured in.
I can't afford Starbucks, I'll have a welfare mocha.