An overused insult from 2020 used by 10-year-olds when they try to look cool when in reality, they're not.
They're just showing how embarrassing they are because "mad" and "cry" are the only things they can say.
Legit player trying to enjoy a video game: LOOOL thats kinda sad that u need hacks to win
Random kid who downloaded hacks: Mad <3
A word that can be used in any instance at any time to describe anything.
Mads is a guy that always gets out of trouble. He always breaks everything on his way so dont go in a glass store. According to himself, he is amazing. That guy knows how to flirt.
amadszing guy
Mads is a very wonder human. They light up the sky with their smile and feel the world with joy. They are caring and will always be there for you. They are always fun to be around. They love sunflowers and connect with art! To find their true beauty bring them out to the moon light! They truly are one of a kind <3
P1:I’ve befriended a Mads and my depression is cured!
P2: It’s a miracle!
Mads is a very annoying person. They will notice the smallest details about you and absolutely bully you into the ground. They are not caring, not kind and no fun. They are an absolute menace to society, and should be detained. If you know a Mads be sure to tread carefully, as they are very violent in nature and will try to scratch your nose off. A girl named Iben lived to tell the tale. It was a lengthy process to stitch her face up as she had to stay at the hospital for 78 hours to get her face restored.
Mads is very weird and likes to have the nickname: "Tisse misse" for some reason. He is also not that bright and will try to add more names to your existing name, because he for some reason believes it needs more pzzaz.
a:"I heard that guy's name is Mads"
b:"MADS!?? Do you know what that means?"
a:"Not really..."
b:"It means that we should avoid him at all cost"