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Opportunity Curve

The moment when you take a turn on a moving vehicle and dramatically over-act the force of centripetal force to move closer/lean in to your. crush/significant other.

You took that opportunity curve quite sharply there, too bad she slapped you in the face...

by squid4hire August 28, 2011

rusty opportunity

The opposite of a golden opportunity. This happens when a desirable situation occurs, but the conditions are not to your liking.

Joe: You had a golden opportunity to hook up last night. What happened?

Mike: That was a rusty opportunity and you know it. I don't bang fat chicks.

by 2014_chiguy June 13, 2014

Umplum opportunities

Numerous times or amounts or opportunities.

She had umplum opportunities to change her mind.

by Urban Literature January 19, 2021

Opportunity Trailer Park

An obvious Oxymoron.

Let's just be honest, you've got as much of a chance as opportunity trailer park.

by StumpyStumps June 25, 2010

missed opportunity

the annoying pair of words uttered when YT commenters think they can write a clever joke or funnier punchline, bordering on giving critique or "advice" when not asked for. this is seemingly all they took away from the video they watched, and they appear to be otherwise ungrateful to the creator's hard work and talent that is met by a snide comment in return.

YT Video: "My pigs escaped from my farm, and I don't know how but I'm real worried about them."
Commenter: "Missed opportunity to say 'who let the hogs out'"

by aaw1 April 15, 2022

opportunity nation

n. 1. Phrase coined by Mitt Romney to describe American economic policy as compared to Europe.
2. A nation where the rich get richer, and the poor get fucked.

"We are an opportunity nation." - Mitt Romney

by Erasmus Smith January 4, 2012

I didn't have the opportunity

A classy way of saying, 'fuck you'

Friend: Did you or your friends get the vaccine?
Person: No, I didn't have the opportunity

by Chrisandra February 11, 2023