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Paco is the name of the best donkey in the world.

Person 1 : Donkey from Shrek is the best doneky.

Person 2: Actually, Paco is the best donkey.

by Pelicanboye November 19, 2019



Burrito with pizza ingredients added. Basically a large scale pizza roll/pocket but with a cooler name

Person 1: "Hey man, you ever had a Paco?"
Person 2: "Nah bro, what is it??"

Person 1:"a pizza taco! Get with it man! "

by mcknzrchrds March 7, 2016


Universal word for "chump".

The two rival OG's were walking toward one another and in passing by, one of them says to the other, "paco", meaning he is a "chump".

by theohen December 12, 2022


Type shi

Person : I got shot
Paco :type shi

by Paco 104 November 21, 2023


Paco is the master of music, sex and cooking.

OMG! Paco you are so good!

by Pastora Marisa November 22, 2021


Paco is a guy who have a really tiny dick
He’s dick is even smaller than a toothpick.
Sad about him:(

:How big is your dick
:Really big
:Give me a number

:15times long than Paco

by ¯\_(ツ)_/¯I won’t tell u November 21, 2021


Derogatory term.

"Get off the floor and start mopping, Paco!"

by Desmond Benjamin September 23, 2023