Paco is the name of the best donkey in the world.
Person 1 : Donkey from Shrek is the best doneky.
Person 2: Actually, Paco is the best donkey.
Burrito with pizza ingredients added. Basically a large scale pizza roll/pocket but with a cooler name
Person 1: "Hey man, you ever had a Paco?"
Person 2: "Nah bro, what is it??"
Person 1:"a pizza taco! Get with it man! "
The two rival OG's were walking toward one another and in passing by, one of them says to the other, "paco", meaning he is a "chump".
Paco is a guy who have a really tiny dick
He’s dick is even smaller than a toothpick.
Sad about him:(
:How big is your dick
:Really big
:Give me a number
:15times long than Paco