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Pair Extensions

An obvious breast augmentation procedure recipient.

"Did you notice Gina in that green sweater? She's clearly has Pair Extensions."

by PhallusAccusations December 23, 2012

salty pair

What dries up these bitches mouth, these salty pair of nuts.

Ali: Hey girl why up mouth so dry?

Shyanne: i don't know girl probably cuz I sucked on a salty pair of balls.

by saltypairofyourfav December 9, 2013

drop a pair

to defecate. a pair means two of something, and number two means feces.

Billy: Excuse me, Staci, did you drop a pair in the toilet?

Staci: I did. My bowels are empty now. Thank you for asking, Billy.

by Smack the Barber December 17, 2021



A mix between a chauffeur and an au-pair.
When you are driving your drunk friends around and you’re having to look after them and control them!

We went out last night and I had to chau-pair my friends. It was embarrassing!

by Seb Latour March 7, 2018

Au pair

The cheapest child care option on the market. Cheap nanny. Servitude type of work. Deffinitely not a cultural experience. Bad business. Au pair is often abused by host family: overhours, lack of food, withold stipend, taking care of pet, insults, offensive remarks. Everything behind closed doors. Agencies require calling Au pair member of the family/friend because in this way its easy to manipulate participant. Currently program with lawsuit. Very double side faced program.

A:I want my Au pair to take the dog out.
B: Just tell her she's the member of the family. She will be eager to do it.

by Aroundandaround November 28, 2018

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

grow a pair

VERB, call to action NOUN, insult

V. "will anyone grow a pair and do some thing?" N. in speaking to a subordinate "You need to grow a pair"

by Jason AH July 27, 2006

78πŸ‘ 157πŸ‘Ž


WORD PAIRING involves the pairing of a swear word with any other word in order to add significance to the second word.

In this capacity it is often the case that the swear word conveys some type of discriptive capacity regarding number, significance, import or quality.

Below are listed some practical examples of swear pairing

"Mate you should grab a couple of bags of cornchips, cos they're on special..."
"Nah buddy, I've got fuckbags of chips at home..."

"That guy was fuckdumb wasn't he?"

"This situation is headed to fucktown fast..."

"My pay cheque hasn't cleared yet god damn it...looks like I'm eating 2 minute shitnoodles again..."

by K9Guy October 6, 2009

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž