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pajama pants

Different than sweat pants. Prettier than sweat pants. But just as comfortable.

pajama pants are night and day wear.

by Hannah 123445345bv43 February 5, 2009

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footie pajamas

Pajamas inexplicably designed with feet. A clear indicator of whether someone watches you in your sleep or not.

Oh shit, my roommate has footie pajamas. I know for sure she watches me in my sleep now!

by creepcreepcreep November 16, 2009

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Pajama Mama

A large, overweight Woman who are most commonly found in Wal-Mart. They are seen Wearing Pajama Pants, mostly because they're huge thighs cant fit into normal pants. They also have small children with them, who will beat their child in front of public. No matter where they are. Hair is usually greasy, and in a bun. You can find most Pajama Mamas in the clearance clothing section of Wal-Mart.

I was at Wal-Mart, when I saw a Pretty big Pajama Mama in the clothing aisle, Smacking her little son for screaming over a video game.

by irishdog1 August 18, 2011

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Bananas in Pajamas

A pair of fruits who wear bed-room clothing.

Bananas in pajamas are raping teddy bears.... Bananas in pajamas like to suck them off in pairs.... Bananas in pajamas quickly nut on their ass hairs...

by DPWF October 23, 2003

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Lobster Pajamas

when a boy wears tights and his penis sticks to his leg.

After playing Peter Pan in the play, I had total lobster pajamas

by aDAMishawt February 9, 2015

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pink pajamas

code word for someone is coming

Guy 1: "we had 3 girls over last night and"
Guy 2: "dude....pink pajamas! my girlfriend is in the room'

by damico August 18, 2007

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Sexy Pajamas

a man to man complement, or a greeting. You can't say it to a woman, or a woman can't say it to a man. It is a man to man thing. no women allowed.

"Hey sexy pajamas, how you doin?"
"whatup sexy pajamas"

by David Krenz April 28, 2007

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