This is when you pay a prostitute for sex. When she demands money and you don’t have it, there’s a phone call. That’s why the guy walks in. It is not fun from here. He basically just beats your ass until you have money. Gotta figure it out.
Hey Spen! Iwas trying to load up two prostitues and stiff them for the cash. Then some big bald bubble head came in and gave me The Panama City Shakedown. So he’s got a gun in my ass right now and I need 30 bucks...
The act of two males, going to town on a female on all fours, finishing, then the male on the vaginal end sucking the juices from her insides
Bro, my girl and I tried the Panama Canal last night. That shit was fire!
Never pan a ma nor her children! See Hurricane Michael for details!!! People thought that since the statute of limitations was up, they had the okay to pillage, steal intellectual property, and land.
To destroy a child under the age of 13 via rape or pan.
Boyfriend haven't seen in 3 months: "I love you and miss you! Hey ya want to come visit me in Alabama? We can go to Panama City Beach, Florida."
Girlfriend: "Sure, I miss you too"
Last time they speak intimately then it's discovered that your entire life is ruined by people who become your judgment. Pray for Arch Angel Michael to fight your battles and then see the destruction of the so perfectly planned place The Summit Resort in Panama City Beach showing who was to be panned, i.e. pan for gold.
Panama is sophisticated, classy, cool. She can be the life of the party or she’ll engage you deeply 1:1 in a great convo. Incredible kisser. Avid pilates goer with a great ass. You’ll meet her once and she’s always on your mind. Never under estimate her professional drive or her warm hospitality. She always assumes the best of people. Panama is an electric and beloved friend. She’s a BAMF.
I met Panama at a silent disco and I hope to god I run into her again.