Paxton is super awesome, his most prominent feature is his cute curly hair and his fun smile, but don’t let that surprise you when he whips out his huge cock, for some reason he is also really athletic, even tho he doesn’t look like it he probably can run faster than you and jump higher than you he is probably the best guy you’ll ever meet.
That Paxton dude is so awesome, look at his bulge it’s huge
Paxton is probably not the best looking guy in the school but definitely the funniest his cute curly hair paired with his awesome personality can be the best combination you’ll ever have.
Paxton is the best guy he’ll take you out to dinner and insist to pay for it. Usually Paxton’s are rolling in the dough and will be very successful after school. But one of his best features is his 7 1/2 inch cock that will put you to sleep on command over all best guy you’ll meet
That Paxton is such a great guy
Paxton is a man known for a legendary huge dick, also Paxton's are amazing kissers and all the girls want Paxton's Dick.
Paxton is excellent at tennis and his dick hangs out when he plays.
Basically the freshest nigga God made
Boy: Paxton stole my girlfriend
Friend: Well Paxton has a huge dick, so she'll be good
Girl: Paxton's dick is so big!!
big dick daddy, i want to have financial intercource with him.
paxton is a sexy bitch my boy
Paxton is like cocaine. You are attracted to him even though you don’t know why you originally came to him. You can’t seem to get enough of his crackhead energy. But somehow he’s still the sexiest motherfucker on Earth. And just like cocaine, he will make you go bankrupt.
I can’t believe that you’re still hooked on Paxton, he must be something special. Too bad I am missing out on him.