Someone who so conservative that the idea of liberal politics, homosexuality, climate change, equality ect is too much to comprehend. Therefore, they come to fear and hate such change.
“Hey I don’t want to sound change-phobic, but being bisexual is repulsive! Why can’t they just choose who they find attractive and stick with it! Like you’re either straight or gay, pick a lane! ”
fear of the word șugubăț (originating from Romania, meaning waggish)
Emanuel is șugubățo-phobic.
intense hatred or prejudice towards vampires.
from the “hemo-“ prefix for blood. pretty much homophobia but with vampires.
Girl 1: i HATE vampires, lestat ruined my life!!!!
Girl 2: omg quit being so hemo-phobic
Girl 1: and i hate armand too!!!
Girl 2: now ur just being hemo-phobic AND homophobic
My your firend calls u stupid or makes fun of ur dyslexia in a jokey way
First person :AHAHAH u spelled that wrong idiot
Second person :DYSLEXIA PHOBIC
Being discriminatory against someone with braces.
"damnnnnn sanjeev u hella bracer-phobic u don't like girls with braces"
A term used by previous Generations to describe the FEELINGS of THIS generation.
This new Generation is Bi-schizo-trans-tard-phobic!
Remi-Phobic, usually confused with the word “Remy-Phobic” because they sound the same, Remi-Phobic and Remy-Phobic are very different. Remi-Phobic is to be hateful towards the Tiktoker remi, also known as “remipen”.
(DISCLAIMER: this is not a real term used regularly, it is a meme and or joke by the Tiktoker remi)
“Gosh, did you see everyone being remi-phobic to remi in her stream! So rude.”
“I know right!”