The Friends of Pluto is a organization created by the Church of Scientology and dedicated to the idea that Pluto is the so-called "Clear Planet". They strive tirelessly to found missions to the dwarf planet, to research its cold and icy wastes, to plunge to very pith of its being and to sell a collection of pro-Pluto propaganda videos titled Pluto: Paradise!
The Friends were created in 1907 by a clandestine CIA-funded project known as Xenulogy (not to be confused with the study of Xena). Literally millions of dollars was poured into recruiting members, building elaborate secret fortresses beneath Washington, DC, developing the popular series of Pamphlets so beloved by Americans even today and finally by outfitting the ill-fated Plutonian Expedition to the South Pole. By 1915, the Xenulogists controlled both houses of Congress, 7 of 9 members of the Supreme Court and had created a robotic version of Woodrow Wilson that failed due to a lack of decent batteries. Fortunately (or unfortunately for some), World War I brought their reign of terror to an end when a coalition of nations banded together to stop "Those Yankee Haters", as they were known. They pooled their funds and built an elaborate series of telescopes to study the most-distant planet. Their efforts were thwarted initially as Pluto had not actually been discovered yet. However, defeat turned to victory as the Xenulogists realized that it was logically impossible for them to exist before the discovery of the planet they were dedicated to, and quietly disbanded.
The Friends rose again shortly after World War II, but were struck and killed instantly by an asteroid. Each successive incarnation has likewise been struck and killed. Nevertheless, Pluto: Paradise! is still a best-seller and their influence extends much further than anyone gives them credit for.
The Friends of Pluto are believed to be behind the reclassification of Pluto as a dwarf planet, for nefarious reasons only known to them.
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Pluto V2 is Known As A Postive Youtuber that giveawayโs and gifts in fortnite Use Code PlutoV2_YT and Add his social Pluto V2
Pluto V2 Your Crazy Man Crazy you hear
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A run-around. An employee is lured into being a company man and unpaid manager, as well as doing unpleasant jobs, with the promise that at some point they will be able to do a particularly valued job. That point never comes.
Source: Disneyworld. The promise is "do this dirty job and you can be ... Pluto"
"So I watched over the office while the Old Man was gone and told him everything everyone was doing - AND handled all his mail - and he still took Janet to the expo thing at Vale, and I'm working month-end accounts all weekend. Total Pluto Ploy."
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Pluto V2 is a known Fortnite Item Shop streamer on YouTube with over 750,000 Subscribers!
Pluto V2 has been one of the most OG Item Shop Streamers in the Fortnite Community to this day.
Pluto V2 streams the Item Shop almost everyday to show all the new cosmetics in Fortnite and gives people good reasons or opinion's to buy the cosmetics or to wear old ones you may already own because they may be Rare!
Pluto V2 has spent over $100,000+ on V-Bucks for gifting his subscribers in the past 3 years total which is mind blowing. He is called a Scammer a lot due to people instantly thinking his gifting or giveaways are fake but in his livestreams he proves most people wrong. He gifts people on his friends list which in Chapter 4 - Season 1 you can only have a max friends list of 980 friends before you will not be allowed to add anyone else until thereโs room on his friends list. Heโs made it known he only adds active supporters in his streams and known moderators for his channel. He also did a livestream back in 2021 where he donated over $8,000 to a charity of his livestream chats choice which is huge compared to other Fortnite Content Creators out there.
Pluto V2 the Fortnite Item Shop Streamer on YouTube!
A cool ass blackman who dresses futuristic and is soulful. A futuristic cool man. Black balled.
That man at that Erykah Badu concert was a Pluto Black.
An Australian way of saying Corn Dog, which is basically a sausage wrapped in Batter and baked.
Alice: Hey want some pluto pups Jimmy?
Jimmy: Yeah mate, I love it's battery goodness along with the taste of the hotdog, maybe dipped in some catchup or mustard, mmmmmh
Alice: Damn Jimmy u rly like ur corn dogs m8
Dudes who appear to have a lucrative but mysterious revenue source they have cultivated themselves because of their popularity , charm and ability to attract the opposite sex and make them happy. But who have created an illusion to achieve this status. Either by copying someone else or stealing an identity and customers , Until audited thoroughly they have the freedom to change lives for the better - even though they r just cold micro planets - but who convince ppl they are warm and actually change their lives for much worse.
Verb: when he started paying for pros to do the work the Pluto pups had no excuses left to micro fridges or mini bars (see definitions) and so chose to prevent the money being paid to him that forced him to do the work himself like housing commission entertainment , and thatโs when they hid the camera in the clock and started sword fighting at the urinals.
Yeh everyone thought that he was a thief and a criminal because some Pluto pups were using his money to create an illusion of success. temporarily it served them when asking for sex from strangers however none of the clients requested them again so it was determined that they were in fact Pluto pups who hired a ferrari and were given roofies to give to their friends girlfriends to fill the passenger seat for one day. They also avoided gym work by spending money on clothes beyond their means and throwing tns on their feet the equivalent of high heels for dudes. Pluto pups have usually got spring rolls , battered savs or Pluto pups under their knees which also made appear competent by using tns to straighten a bent gait - tns are corsettes for dudes.