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me! im popular and all of the girls are pretty and most of the bois r fit so it deos help if your good looking yeh every1 see's us as bitchy sluts chavs and wateva its jus cus ur JEALOUSE! u wana b us but it ent ever guna happen fukin losers and NO we do have bare close m8s u dicks and not all popular peeps r RICH im rich but most of my m8s arnt dere jus normal And at my skl this a reli bitchy thing happend so dere was afight between 2 popular of my m8s
they both h8ed each other and da 1 dat did the wrong thing first every other popular person h8ed her so she moved haha the POWER OF THE POPULARS and just because your differnt 2 us y shuld we like u u goths dnt lyk us because we r different. but the thing is dere ent reli any grungers goths... that r popular are there? NO and just because we wear fashionble clothes and like to show of are bodies it dusnt mean we r sluts! so go fuck your mums l8azxxxxxx reppin RG4

me! am popular haha hahaha and pretty

by kay-lee November 21, 2005

10๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž


Populars r cool pips who u can hav a gr8 fun wif! Most of populars in our days had sex at the age of 13. But there r ecceptions! like me! In our school most of populs r cheerleaders!!!! being popular is gr8 fun!

u've called me a slut, but i am popular, you'r not!

by bbz March 27, 2005

11๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who is one of the alphas in the social group. They are looked up to because of their physical, spiritual, or emotional. Popular people are better than normal people.

Twomy and Matos are not popular because they play XBOX LIVE during April Vacation.

Brad Pitt is one of the most popular people in the world.

by Greg Cass April 15, 2007

3๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


What is popularity anyway? Is it being able to be atheletic, friendly, pretty/handsome, and accepted by todays standards? Is it being able to follow all the trends? Is it being rich in order to have lots of friends? The world may never know.
Here's what I think::
Who cares. If you have a lot of friends, or even just a few good ones, and you like yourself, you're better off than lying about who you are, so you can hang out with a bunch of phonies, and cry yourself to sleep thinking about how you can never show the real you because you won't be accepted.

Girl 1: I am lyke so totally popular, I follow lyke all the trends, and am totally rich! *cries self to sleep at night*
Girl 2: I'm content how I am. *is fine*
Girl 1: Lyke, OMG, you are such a geek! *is envious*

by Sakura The Pocky Goddess June 10, 2005

444๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž


See Bullshit.


by Retarded Trollbang November 20, 2012

19๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Many before have tried to define it, to pin down that secret quality that grants some enormous armies of followers while leaving others out in the rain. All of these searchers have one thing in common: they want to be more popular. This is their downfall, for, indeed, the one thing that the popular people share is unrealization of their own popularity. It may be pointed out that some popular people do notice it; however, by noticing their own popularity, they get caught up in the social system, and are constantly forced into overthinking themselves and attempting to become still more popular. This redefining of themselves as lacking in popularity inevitably leads to their fall, as they lose the characterisitics that drew to them such a large audience of friends in the first place.

What is the key, then? How can one be popular? The answer, counterintuitively, is by not trying to be popular so much as to interact with people on a regular basis, to have a lot of friends. For confidence is one liked, and, via the golden rule, through treating other people as friends and not as subjects does one gain and maintain what some call "popularity". True popularity is only being nice to people and being oneself to people, so they feel free to be the same around you, and it's not all that difficult to achieve, requiring only that one first rid themselves of the illusion of social systems and treat everyone else like equals.

B: Hey, man, isn't it weird how our school doesn't have any popular people?
M: Dude, don't you get it? That means we're the popular people! Sweet, all of our hanging out with our friends and posting pictures on facebook has made everyone jealous and given them senseless idealizations of our personal characters! What do you think we should do now to maintain our popularity?
B: I dunno, man, have more parties?
M: Yeah, let's do that! After all, we have plenty of peons who would enjoy basking in our personal limelights!

*weeks pass*

B: What happened, man? Nobody likes us anymore!
M: What do you mean, nobody likes you, everyone loves me!
B: No. No, they don't. They think we're both assholes for turning what used to be fun time spent hanging out with friends into social legitimization. Shit.

by arbitraryalbatross June 1, 2010

49๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something that, contrary to what popular people think, unpopular people do not crave.

Don't be sucked in by popularity.

by Anonymous :) May 12, 2007

81๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž