Hym "I said women's preference bad and now if I don't do what Jordan wants my preferences bad and evil! That's how ANY religious person works! And as far as 'evidence' (the evidence he doesn't actually cite btw) apologist will use LITERALLY ANYTHING as evidence. Every apologist has 'undeniable evidence for God.' Do what I want, or, you're evil. He's really riding the coattails of his evil psychopath boogeyman all the way to the grave, huh? I like that 'The ideas that he's wrestling with' are just my ideas. That makes me God to him! He's a ME worshipper!"
When you aren't risking catching whatever they've got, but they're still attractive enough to warrant rubbing one out later
1: Yo, did you have sex with her?!
2: Of course not, it was a preferred fap.
aka. P.A.R.P.; When an individual is only romantically attracted to people of the same political identity as they are
Emma is a supporter of Libertarian party who is only willing to date people are supporters of the Libertarian political party. She has a politically aligned romantic preference.
aka. P.C.S.P.; When an individual is only sexually attracted to people who support political parties whose beliefs fall on the same side of the political spectrum as the political party they support
Maria identifies as being a supporter of the Republican party, she is sexually attracted to other people, but only if the political party they support identifies as being a right-wing political party, like hers is. She has a politically consistent sexual preference.
When women for weaponize your personal preference when it comes to relationships just to make a personal attack
Criticizing a man for having preferences that conform to society's Beauty standard
"I only like dark skin chicks"
"Empowerment you're a true brother"
"I only like light skin chicks"
"You hate yourself and your mother"