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Corruption of "owned". Used amongst gamers to describe doling out a savage beating to a fellow gamer - or, "serious pwnage".

Pronunciations range from "poned" and "pooned" to "pwooned" and "pwunned". I favour the latter pair myself.

"Well, no wonder... we were all pwned!"

by KHD July 16, 2003

14๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


often thought to be difficult or impossible to pronounce, the correct way of pronouncing pwned is "owned" dependent upon the situation would be understood accordingly.
1. to destroy beyond "owned". to completely overpower your opponent as typically used in video games,(but is in no way limited to)
2. being on the lesser end of a situation, getting the short end of the stick.
3. being on the misfortunate end of a scenario, often humerous is to be pwned.
. origin is unknown but a possible definition is "power owned" often spelled with a P instead of an O as an abbreviation to show domination beyond simply owned.
4. power pwned or ppwned, complete and utter decimation or annlihlation. not even worthy of speaking with the victor or replying from his statement of "power pwned" or ppwned"

1. "fucking pwned bitch!!1"
2. Brad and Bill are approached by a woman in a night club and asks Brad to dance, as he is walking to the dance floor Brad looks back at Bill and says, "pwned."
3. Claerion is walking down the sidewalk with Ryan, Ryan trips over a curb and Claerion tells him,"pwned"
4. "Holy shit man, Heatherly fucking ppwned everyone"

by teh pwner August 17, 2005

13๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


The way a FAG or a retard says owned...and they think it is clever somehow!?!

What a /b/tard might say after watching a video of a Canadian getting fucked by a moose: "Man, that maple licker just got PWNED!"

by howdydudey August 4, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


This word is a popular variation of the word owned and is typically used within online gaming circles.
This term was first coined by a geek who attempted to modify his copy of the popular first-person shooting game Half-Life so that the word "Owned" would appear on the screen of anybody he killed, unfortunatly (due to the close proximity of the "P" and "O" key on the standard English keyboard) he accidentally typed it as "pwned" while he was modifying it, so now this word was appearing on the screen of every other gamer that he killed, other gamers thaught that this was 1337speak for pistol-owned, and started using the word whenever they killed somebody with an inferior weapon i,e "I pwned him with my pistol even though he had the rocket launcher!"
Nowadays though it pretty much means the same thing as owned
Also see ownage pwnagepwn and pooned

"I pwned your ass so good in that last game!"
"I have leet skillz, you're gonna get so pwned"

by eurobob September 10, 2005

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like owned, pwned is a classy word that you can say when you have beaten someone, perhaps at there own game.

Whoah! Like totally H-Core! I totally pwned you catlin!

by mamemumemo May 31, 2006

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The total domintion or shut down of a person place or thing
The word Pwned
originated from the word owned;
wich came from the word own;
wich came from the word cat

- Dr. Hanatewakusoshiseotadashiteteriyakisuzikihondacivic

person one: HAH ! YOU JUST GOT PWNED

person two : O.O

narrarater: PWNED !

by dfghfkgh October 19, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


Unlike the other people who have posted definitions that are ridiculous, do not have substantial backing, or are simply mis-informed, I will give the complete definition of what "pwned" means.

1. The origins of "pwned" are debated but there is ownly one possible source:
a. When playing a first person shooter game online, and you find yourself with no ammunition left in your primary weapon, you find yourself having to switch to your secondary weapon, aka your pistol. Being heavily outmatched versus an automatic weapon, when the player with the pistol kills the automatic weapon user in convincing fashion, it is usually followed by a string of text "Pwned!" meaning, 'Pistol-Owned.'

P is for Pistol? Get it.

My PDW ran out of ammo so I pwned that nigga with my Glock 9mm.

by john himself June 24, 2005

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