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Verb: To sniff something in a perverted way, especially hair, a quif or a queef.

Quiff Pro Joe had a son named Hunter
Whose corruption could not have been blunter
He did fancy the bride
of his brother who died
And so he continued to hump her.

by Carlos Perdue March 6, 2020


A woman's lady parts

Here in New Brunswick Canada this is considered a "nice" curse word by some people in rural areas. When my Uncle backed over his chainsaw with the farm tractor he might say " Aww ain't that a Quiff!!"

by Woodchucker65 May 13, 2024


A dick fart also known as dickflart

Susan there's a hole in my dick I think it just farted jack don't worry everyone that's has a dick farts out of it.its called quiff also known as dickflart.

by Cool_girl5426 February 18, 2018


The sound ones penis makes when shooting blanks.

Joe: I love to huff quiffs straight from my boyfriends old cock

by Rschutzler July 26, 2018


A penile flatulence. When an air bubble gets released from the body through the penis. Can be painful and can sometimes expel an odor.

Also known as a dick fart or penis burp. Is the male equivalent to a Queef; a female vaginal flatulence, pussy fart or twat burp.

After a long night of sexual relations, Harry let out a large quiff that smelled something fierce, that it startled and disgusted Molly so bad that she ran out of the house butt ass naked.

by Brittany.Bitch. April 12, 2021


A Critical Ops player that has some high potential and will hopefully get picked up by some decent team then get kicked after for inactivity! I have no main weapon.

Spectate Quiff!!!

by Quiffypoo March 17, 2021


Similar to queef, a quiff is a fart from the male genitalia.

Omg dude, im gonna fucking quiff so hard!

by Harambe2016! December 22, 2021