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Booty Radar

The thing girls use to see if guys want the booty or not

Ben thought Sam was hot so he tried to get on her booty radar

by Ranger_40 July 11, 2015

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Mexican radar

The act of peeing and walking at the same time. Normally done in a more rural or in a wide open field.

Person 1: ah dang I gotta pee but I gotta get back to the lake soon.

Person 2: just mexican radar, no one is around.

by Bradywinsall July 24, 2010

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Cock Radar

When a male masturbates quickly, so he ejaculates prematurely, causing a spray pattern from his penis, making a large amount of splashing noises, giving a man the ability to see in the dark.

"Using his cock radar, Jimmy jacked off in the dark to find the toilet so he could use the bathroom."

by Jizztasticmolecule August 25, 2008

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Under The Radar

Where your in a relationship while the girl or boy your with is dating someone else but is keeping you unknown from that other person

Girl: Iโ€™m sorry I think we need to break up

Boy: fine I understand

Girl: but you can be under the radar

Boy: Fine!

by Broken Kid September 17, 2019

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arab on radar

Weird ass industrial sounding music. They suck though...unless you're into really weird bands. Melt-Banana is also weird but they're better. Just slightly better. Different sound also.

Just listen to them...they really don't sound like anything else.

by underground bands know-it-all March 16, 2005

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Size Queen Radar

when a knowledgeable fan of big cocks can easily spot a guy sporting impressive meat.

Travis noticed a lanky guy walking down the street and used his trusty Size Queen Radar to determine that yes that dude was hung like a rhino.

by Uncle Joosie July 2, 2018

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Radar Love

When a microwave is used especially in a commercial kitchen to finish an undercooked food item from another heating source ie grill, oven.

Anthony Bourdain used Radar Love on a steak before having it sent to the dining room.

by GreenHillGuy November 22, 2018

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