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I'll relax

Can be used as 'ok'

Palumbo: you can put that in the 'fridgerator

Decoy: I'll put it in, in a little bit

Palumbo: Alright, I'll relax

by 46 year old Anthony Palumbo January 7, 2020

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

pandora and relax

To get high,or smoking weed

You nigga when you trying to "pandora and relax"

by Trees🎈 August 23, 2015

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

hulu and relax

Hulu and relax is like netflix and chill its sex boys and girls

oh she asked me to hulu and relax back at her house

by Sex duhhhhh August 30, 2015

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Relax the crack

To relax your butt

Bro relax the crack.

by Matt Vicious July 18, 2023

Heavy Relax

Heavy Relax is the definition of "Hard Chilling" but in a more easier/newbie understanding. The more V in Heavy and more X in Relax makes it's definition more deep feeling.

Yo bro, we gotta heavy relax mannnnn! It's just League of Legends, you don't need to stressed out about 9 years old trolling the game. Heavvvvvvvvvvvvvvy Relaxxxxxxxxxxx mate.

by HotdogJesus July 31, 2021

youtube and relax

It's another way to say Netflix and chill but you can't afford Netflix so you YouTube and relax

U want to come over and YouTube and relax because I can't afford Netflix

by Rebecca jackson November 23, 2015


A term used to get the attention of someone who is needlessly wound up about something, and get them to calm down.

Person A: "I can't believe it! Could you take any longer? We're going to be late for the movie" *Starts to hyperventilate*

Person B: "Yo-relax dude, we'll still get there before the previews are over"

by LxWiz October 20, 2008