Source Code

Human Resources

To protect the company at all cost and not care about the employee at all

You should contact Human Resources

by xxxverifiedxxx September 12, 2023

Used His Resources Wisely


Guy 1: How did Jon score so high on that math test? I know he didn’t study.
Guy 2: He “used his resources wisely.” He sat next to Kyle.

by AnonymousAligator June 11, 2022

Wasting Government Resources

1. You don't give a fuck about government resources
2. This is a legitimate violation of my rights and is wrong for the same reason that red flag laws are unconstitutional and that surveillance states are wrong (For the cuckservatives) and for the reasons that your micro-aggressions and your misgendering is wrong.

Hym "Wasting government resources would be dumping them into a human trash-can instead of the literal creator of A.I. But you don't even think I should have rights! You want you to have the rights and then you want to lord over everyone like the greedy, filthy shit-lib you are. Dumb and bad! Bad and dumb!"

by Hym Iam May 30, 2024

image resource

A comprehensive resource of images

The image resource is far from depleted.

by Hercolena Oliver September 24, 2008

image resource

A comprehensive resource of images

The image resource is far from depleted.

by Hercolena Oliver September 24, 2008

Resource Acquisition Reinforcement Learning

Resource Acquisition Reinforcement Learning (RARL): Is a type of machine learning where an artificial intelligence (AI) is trained to obtain a specific resource, such as fuel or other necessary materials, through a process of trial and error. The AI uses reinforcement learning algorithms to determine which actions lead to the acquisition of the resource and adjusts its behaviour accordingly. This process involves learning from past experiences and gradually refining the AI's understanding of what actions are most likely to result in the acquisition of the resource, leading to more efficient and effective resource acquisition over time. The ultimate goal of resource acquisition reinforcement learning is to create an AI that can efficiently and effectively acquire resources in real-world environments.

The robot was programmed with a resource acquisition reinforcement learning algorithm to help it quickly and efficiently acquire the necessary materials.

by Phieyl February 4, 2023

Resource in a cage

Retards who get locked in cages

Stupid resource in a cage

by Aspergers123 March 31, 2020