The opposite of Resting Bitch Face. While RBF deters the onlooker, RWF actually invites them in. Usually an individual with Resting Whore Face has an inviting and seductive glare and pouty lips.
Some people naturally have RWF while others try very hard to achieve this facial expression.
That model has such a Resting Whore Face, I wanna make out with them!
The unintentional or intentional face of judgement you are hiding behind your face mask while your eyes remain deceptively neutral.
After wearing a face mask for 16 months I've developed a permanent resting mask face.
When a woman looks like a dyke in resting face mode. Once smiled she looks purty.
Dang, nigga, she got resting butch face, when she smile doe she a 4.
An analogue of RBF (resting bitch face). A smug motherfucker who’s neutral face expression is one of taking the piss.
Did you see Elon Musk’s RTF (resting troll face) in that article about banging Sergey Brin’s wife?
a frozen facial expression of a negative demeanor during a video call caused by low internet connectivity, or general disinterest in the subject being discussed. (rgf)
Tim: Did you.....................
Tommy: ???
Tim: ....after we all left?
Tommy: Hahaha, you had a real resting glitch face! I thought you were angry for a second. My connection must be bad, I missed the middle of the question man.
Kitty: So what are your thoughts?
Kimmy: ........
Kitty: I think you froze! You got a real resting glitch face going on...
Kimmy: I just don't care about any of that. Tell them to do better.
Chelsea from red fox has resting beautiful face.
The face one makes while on a remote video chat or meeting using zoom or other virtual meeting services. The resting zoom face is usually indicative of not remembering others can see your face.
Why do you all look so bored? Oh. It's only your resting zoom face.