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Anal return

A firm slap on the arse following a failed high five.

If one attempts to high five another but fails, he must promptly slap the fellow high fiver on the buttocks thus providing the Anal return.

by lukaduka September 25, 2006

7๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

return burn

To retaliate against someone who has dissed you or made a snide comment directed at you.

"After Joe made a crack about my mama, I was determined to serve up a return burn about his acne."

by Daniel February 22, 2005

5๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Return to Sender

A Shotgun/wootang that goes around an entire group of people smoking a blunt/cigarillo. While smoking either a blunt or cigarillo (filled with reefer) someone proceeds to give the person next to them a shotgun/wootang. Then the person who just recieved a shotgun/wootang holds his/her hit and gives the next person a shotgun/wootang. Keep sending the shotgun around until the last person gives the originator (person to give first shotgun/wootang) a monstrous shotgun/wootang. This works best with 3-4 people. It is important to remember to hold the hit you recieve to give the next person a shotgun/wootang with.

Man that 8 person return to sender was crazy.

That guy just died after the perfect return to sender.

by WOLFPACK4LIFE February 17, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

return you

break up with, leave

i'll return you back to your panrest

by badboiruru March 4, 2019

the cave of no return

When one engages in anal sex who has not done it before. Once you've put a part of your body you are never the same again and there is no return to who you were before.

Kerry knew that once she allowed Hans to enter the cave of no return he and she would never be the same and their relationship will have transformed into something else.

by von groovy June 23, 2019

Kick Return

Used in football to describe running the football back after getting it kicked to you; But used in the Bothell area as Returning 'Kicks' also known as shoes, either for bad sizes, or just back kicks.

Obama: Sorry I am late.
McCain: Where were you?
Obama: Had to make a kick return.
McCain: I got a new suit and tie.
Obama: I got some F.N.K.'s!

by Ryin82 October 19, 2008

Inadvertent Return

When your partner vomits semen on you immediately post fellatio. This inadvertent return of semen is usually caused by the taste of the seminal fluid, the receiving partner having mental block to swallowing or the giving partner hitting a gag reflex.

I had to change clothes after Sally had an inadvertent return after I came in her mouth. She puked all over my stomach and lap.

by Jimmy2Shits March 31, 2022