I sexy man who loves fanny and will do anything for it.
Matt Robertson
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Joshua David Robertson is a fatass gay queer that can't get any girls and likes boys more than actual girls!!!!!
Carl McMiller: OMG! Joshua David Robertson said the word 'penis'!
JDR: Me likey!!!!!!!
one of the most important, talented, and KINDEST people on tik tok😝👏👏🙌. caleb is the our feminist, ally, anti-rasist KING. now, you may be thinking, this guy can’t get any better! WELL YOUD BE WRONG!! he is also a phenomenal singer, and actor! caleb could never ever harm anyone intentionally... except possibly a disrespectful man 🤭😏
wow caleb robertson🥰 really can act!
caleb robertson🥰 is such an awesome singer!
caleb robertson🥰 always respects women :)
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When you are taking a class with Dr. Robertson, and you want to want to move on, but he is dragging out a quote, you are suffering from Post-Traumatic Robertson Syndrome.
My Post-Traumatic Robertson Syndrome (PTRS) is starting to kick in. We've been discussing the same quote from Kendi page 68 for the past 15 minutes!
Nathaniel Robertson, Aight guys, Night Pizza Guy.
Andrew is a man who was a sad fella and never found love but one day he met Noah Robert Garfield and they kissed and had babies So basically Andrew gregory Robertson means your a closted gay
Dude im Andrew Gregory Robertson
Noun. Urban suburban Muva. A jack of all trades. Highly intelligent but also known to be a ‘round the way girl (very down to earth). One of the realest people you will ever meet. Down ass chick. Wife. Friend.
Kristie Robertson Smith is an amazing mother and wife.