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A rossi

When you're a little bitch and can't show up and play golf in the morning because you had a big night.

Sorry lads, I can't make the tee time because I'm a little hungover pussy, think I'm going to pull a rossi

by LF golf August 1, 2022

dirty rossie

An asshole of the worst kind.

I was going to go into that bar but there’s a Dirty Rossie in there hitting on all of the girls... and some dudes.

by TinyPete February 27, 2020


Short for Valintino Rossi

The yamaha MOTO GP racer

Number 46
Also known as VR46 or The Doctor

Yo, Rossi is the best moto racer!!

by Donnie777 October 23, 2018


Anyone known as a Rossi is very tough, agressive, stuborn, and moody, but has a big kind heart. Rossi's are kind to those they trust, and those they truelly care about. They try to act tough, but in reality they are just kind people with a bad history, that has caused them to grow a tough shell around them, blocking them from any hearts, or friends, because they don'nt want to get hurt. Rossi's are emotionaly unstable, and can change emotions with the snap of a finger. They might seem like they dont care, but watch what you say, because a small word can mean so much to them. They dont want to seem vulnerable, but they realy are, and just need some emotional support to keep them up, because they are offten deppressed.They are angered easily, and short tempered, but they are amazing to you if you are amazing to them. they are funny, big hearted and have a huge bright smile when happy, and often are not being themselves, just because they want to fit in. They are often scared around their crush, and make a great boy friend or girl friend,just as long as you are their for them.

person 1: WOW that person seems emotionally unstabble.
Person 2: YUP must be a Rossi!

by RandoRyan March 9, 2022


A legend who has loads of friends and will do anything for them.

"Yo hows it poppin Rossi"
"Pretty good dogg"

by RossiBot April 20, 2020


The best moderator to be alive, also the 2nd doggo to achieve the hightest level on hyperlands

Did you saw how rossi did a MLG backflip?

by Rossi? December 19, 2019


The best people.

Oh the rossi are amazing

by qwertyuioplll October 30, 2020