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A game that I say sucks. A few of my friends are addictified to it, and tried to suck me in. I played a few minutes, got bored and left, never to return. Players were lighting 400 fires just to "level up" on crap things like fire building. That skill would be cooler if it was like, Arson or something. You also cannot go around killing everyone that you see. Only weird little goblin thingies that rape sheep while you bake bread and cook shrimp in the middle of the street. Also many people try to get you to press "alt-f4" for a "special cheat". The sad thing is, people fall for it. And on top of it all, the graphics suck.

I hated Runescape. It wasn't as stimulating as the games I like. Also I disliked the people there. They need lives.

by Anonymous Contributator November 26, 2005

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Runescape is dumb retarded game that will force you to play it. IF you play it once then you will play till you die. It turns you into a lifeless nerd.

Billy* Hi Bob! Guess what!!
Bob* what!?
Billy* I just play runescape doing mindless boring repetitive tasks for five hours straight!
Bob* COOL!

by alexandros973 September 18, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


runescape is a massive mulitplayer game. please do not play it it is very very addictive and is not worth it. yo umight as well be doing your homework and getting good grades; getting a good job rather then wasting time on this shit. wanna play a good game?? play rome total war.

what s your str lvl??

by mozpop January 8, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Supposedly, an MMORPG created by the Jagex corporation, is actually a WMD. Is highly addicting even though it posseses no entertainment value at all. Runescape is a tool used by Jagex to mindrape kids and force them into submission. The name Runescape comes from the cry emmited by a Runescape addict as he died from non-stop playing: RUN, ESCAPE!

My best friend started playing runescape and now he never wants to play b-ball or tennis. As soon as you think about playing Runescape, remember, you need to Run escape from Runescape

by Ch-ch-ch-chia December 10, 2007

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the most addicting games known to man, for some strange reason. Terrible customer support, monotonous levelling, an average player age of 8 is including in this package. Jagex, the makers of Runescape, have the shittiest humor found on the internet. Also a prime target for autoers, hackers, gold sellers and scammers. About 80% of its players seem to care more about the game than any other aspect of their life, which is both disturbing and disgusting. I played it for 2 years.

Hot girl: "Hey John, wanna come chill on the beach, drink beer and party all night?"
John: "No thanks, I have a night of Runescape to play. Gotta level my mining."

by Komodovaran December 28, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Warning: This game sucks.Seriously, if you want to throw your life down the drain, there are better ways. Like heroin. You play it once, think "OK, this game has shit ass graphics, horrible gameplay, the worst lag I have ever seen in my entire life, but there's lots of things to do." So you continue playing it, until you become completely obsessed. So obsessed, some people bring ther labtops to school to play runescape at lunch and spares, stay up until three in the morning playing runescape in their closets and actually pay money to play. If you play Runescape, stop now. There are better things to life.

Defintion: A game developped by Jagex, affectionately refferred to as "Fagex". The game itself is a jumble of terrible graphics, awful gameplay and the most repetetive skill system I have ever seen. All you do is click on things! But it doesn't stop there. Oh no. The community is the worst I've ever seen, and that includes MapleStory. Let me paint you a picture.

Typical Runescape screen messages
dragonslayer67: pAYING 6000 GPS FOR CEX!
Iamcoolknight: THAT WAS MY $#%$IN COAL NOOB!
pwnerguy11: Lol u only lvl 10
pwnerguy11: Lol you $%# I pwn you
Pwnerguy11 K You noob!
dragonslayer67: plz b my gf. give gps
girliemage78 (who's really a guy)K
dragonslayer67: (gives GP) K now gimme cex plz
(girliemage78 runs away)

As you can see, the scene is disturbing to say the least. Everyone is either spazzy 10 year olds, 50 year old perverts or horny teenagers who can't get it in real life so have Runescape "cex". Even the nicest person will have a ton of people either in game sexually assaulting them or calling them noobs. Not so pleasent.

If that doesn't kill it for you, this will. Tim* was an athletic, fun to be around guy when me and my friends started playing this game. We all quickly moved on to more fun, less addicting MMO's. Not Tim though. Tim became sucked into the game. At first it wasn't too bad. He still had a girlfriend, was on the soccer and basketball team and hung out with us. This began to change. First, he stopped hanging out, going to movies etc. Then he dumped his girlfriend for the sole reason "She took up too much time." He dropped out of school teams for the same reasons. All Tm would talk about is his Runescape character, his smithing level and his "Runescape GF" who we eventually found out was a guy. (I know, gross.) He stopped eating, to the point where he would eat maybe a meal a day up in his room. He stopped washing himself, and the acne that developped was horrendous. He stayed home from school to play. Tim's parents eventually found out what was happening and took away his computer. Tim told us he wanted to kill them. He stole a labtop to fuel his addiction. Tim lost 50 pounds. A good looking guy was now completely hideous. He failed seven subjects on his report card. Eventually, his parents found out about the stolen labtop. They were furious. Tim was kept in his room for two weeks, under supervision to make sure he hadn't smuggled in a labtop. He tried to escape three times. Eventually, we managed to coax him into going cold turkey. Tim was lucky: he only threw away four monthes of his life. He has returned to normal now, and is an Honour roll student and captain of the Soccer team. But there are other people that haven't. Don't start.

*Names have been changed

Runescape is the worst MMO I have ever played.

Runescape is mopre addictive than crack cocaine

by Dont try it March 26, 2007

123๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž


An entirely dumb as hell game created by Jagex Ltd. that encircles lives of children. Basically everyone that plays this game hasn't seen sunlight in 4 months besides walking to their school busstop, and constantly talks to their friends who really don't care about how they leveled up and are training their crafting skill to make dragonstone jewelry. Most of the time, kids playing Runescape have never seen a better game online, and enjoy thinking that they can get a girl other than their "GFs" that they give online gifts to because it's their one way of escaping the reality that they can't get a date.

OMG dude I just got 72 smithing!
Good for you, I don't care about dumb-as-hell Runescape.
Shut up or I'll own you in the Wildy!

by A Speaker of the Truth August 16, 2006

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