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Dreich (Old Scots origin)

A combination of dull, overcast, drizzly, cold, misty and miserable weather. At least 4 of the above adjectives must apply before the weather is truly dreich

it was a dreich day

by Charles Gordon March 18, 2003

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scot freeman: AKA:GuY wItH tHe GiRlS pAnTs

he is soo stupid!! he is gay and careless!! he freakin changed ryan cloud into some brianless idiot!!!!!

he is so careless about school...and he makes it so a bunch of people hate him and his friends!!!!

by ...... February 26, 2005

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scots mist

Invisible. A Scottish fog, mainly so thick you cannot see anything other than the fog

Friend: β€œI have no friends”
You: β€œwhat am I?? Scots mist?”

by Sam_kkerr18 January 17, 2021

New Scot

A non-native person living in Scotland who supports Scottish Nationalism.

She’s not English/German/American, she’s a New Scot.

by PizzaDog123 July 29, 2022

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Ben Scotted

To fail at a task

Tim:Dude I just Ben Scotted that test
Tom: How it was multiple choice

Tim: I’m just stupid

by A possum possum March 24, 2022

Cock and scot

The art of having sex with a girl, the cock part, and then leaving her and never replying to her texts again, the scot part.

Last night I pulled a cock and scot on ZoΓ«

by fuckzoe January 16, 2018



Why are you β€œscotting” me?

by Corry Kings February 3, 2019