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Baby Room Shiv

He is an extremely dark teenage Indian, even though he claims he is "Guju". He is barely making it through each of his classes. He only associates with younger people and has a history of abusing young children. in the nursery room. Thus, the nickname "Shiv's in the baby room" was born. Young children frequently use this term, and Shiv becomes extremely insane when people use it, which makes him want to molest them more. Like how Humans have addiction to porn, shiv has an addiction to touching little kids and abusing them. he says he finds internal happiness while touching little boys.

Baby Room Shiv

by SHivuuuuu November 22, 2023

Baby Room Shiv

He is an extremely dark teenage Indian, even though he claims he is "Guju". He is barely making it through each of his classes. He only associates with younger people and has a history of abusing young children. in the nursery room. Thus, the nickname "Shiv's in the baby room" was born. Young children frequently use this term, and Shiv becomes extremely insane when people use it, which makes him want to molest them more. Like how Humans have addiction to porn, shiv has an addiction to touching little kids and abusing them. he says he finds internal happiness while touching little boys.

Its Baby room shiv

by SHivuuuuu November 22, 2023

shiv wanking

Shiv wanking is edgeing to the extreme. It's when (usually a male) starts jacking off as usual but when he feels like he's finna ejaculate he slices a bit of foreskin off his penis. The goal is to the edge longer and when you do finally goon it's more liquidity, just don't slice the hole.

Jorge loves stroking his mother fucking cock all the time fucking time but he came way to fast. So he took a knife and sliced a bit of his foreskin off when he felt like he was gonna nut.

Shiv wanking - Cutting a bit of foreskin off your penis when your feel close to ejaculation

#The New Meta

by skibbidi_toliet April 11, 2024

shiv wanking

when your edgeing your penis and you feel like your going to nut, but you stop. Then you take out your knife and slice a bit of your penis off so you can edge more.

Jorge loved edgeing, he edged in class, in the principals office, in his mom's bedroom everywhere he went. Jorge felt like he nutted to fast so he decided to start shiv wanking. He sliced a bit of foreskin off his torch to stop him from nutting, then continued, after countless hours, beating his record he nutted with a big smile of his face oh and also on his tip.

by skibbidi_toliet April 18, 2024

Shiv wanking

the act of edgeing violently, when your feel like your penis is about to bust, slice a bit off your foreskin so you can breathe and then keep the edge streak going.

Shiv wanking - slices a bit of foreskin off your penis when your feelike nutting after edgeing.

Jorge shiv wanked his cock this morning after edgeing to skibidi toliet. He came to school today with a big smile on his face and also on his torch.

by skibbidi_toliet April 18, 2024

St. Shivvings Day

St. Shivvings Day is celebrated on July 31st and is to honor St. Shivvings - the guardian and protector of Kingsmere. He defended the realm with two long thin knives blessed by the old gods.

Happy St. Shivvings Day - do you have your kebobs ready for the feast tonight?

by tikikenny August 6, 2023

dirty shiv

See shiv but smeared in animal feces. That way, if the initial stab is insufficient, the wound gets horribly infected

"That bitch stole my pancake, get me my dirty shiv!"

by TwelvePercent November 28, 2015