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What should I do?

What a person says when they embarrassed themselves on a national scale, and are too vain to actually say "I'm sorry".

That guy who said "What should I do?" knows that he made an ass of himself...

by larryj November 7, 2010

27πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

I should not have nutted to that.

When you look at very fucked up porn/yiff, nut to it, and then regret looking at whatever you looked at.

Guy 1 nuts to some fucked up yiff he found on e621.
Guy 1 then immediately regrets looking at said art.
Guy 1: I should not have nutted to that. DEFINITELY should not have nutted to that.

by Littlecat456 August 10, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

should i get bangs

Warning: A major life event has happened and she’s looking to express it by giving herself forehead curtains.

The safe answer is always β€œNo”.

Angie: β€œWe broke up and I’m just like ready to be a new person, ya know? I need to do something bold, like cut my hair. Should I get bangs?!”

Pam: β€œAbso-fucking-lutely not.”

by MobyDick211 August 24, 2018

13πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Don't Work Like Should

Informal slang when something does not function the way it is designed or developed for.

The light switch would not power the lights. Don't work like should.

by Brofessor Beam September 10, 2018

765πŸ‘ 907πŸ‘Ž

should have been a wank

used to describe a person that would have made a better cleanex stain than they do a human

Dave Roberts is so completly useless he realy should have been a wank

by grandmasterbob September 22, 2009

9πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

you should smile more

A coded phrase with origins in the work place to reject someone when no legitimate reason can be found.

β€œThank you Tim this concludes your performance review. However, we’ve decided not to proceed with promotion at this time.”
β€œOh, ok. Can I ask why.”
β€œI want to feel you’re a part of this team. Tell you what, you should smile more, it’ll help you project yourself.”

by Anonimuchinternestu May 24, 2018

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

should hubert get on fortnite

Yes he should

should hubert get on fortnite yes he should

by Hubertlover September 17, 2023